This Is How To Win Any Argument Online, According To Science

If often seems like you CAN’T win arguments online - with many online commenters completely irrational, insanely rude and obsessed with the Nazis.

But scientists who studied two years of forum posts on ChangeMyView say there are a few key tricks to winning arguments online.

Researchers at Cornell University looked at posts where the original poster (OP) had been persuaded to change their mind - and their reasons why.

‘Changing someone’s opinion is arguably one of the most important challenges of social interaction,’ the researchers said.

'In this work, we find that persuasive arguments are characterised by interesting patterns of interaction dynamics, such as participant entry-order and degree of back-and-forth exchange.

'In particular, the interplay between the language of the opinion holder and that of the counterargument provides highly predictive cues of persuasiveness.

The researchers say that replying early is key - the first person to reply to a post has much more chance to change the original poster’s opinion.

Using different language to that used in the post also helps - even synonyms such as ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming’.

Another key point - and one widely ignored online - is to use calm language, and avoid ‘sharp’ words such as ‘terrorism’.

Don’t dismiss the person you’re arguing with in one-liners - longer replies tend to be more persuasive.

Use numbers, statistics and examples where possible.

DON’T use quotes - these are widely misused - instead, if you’re arguing online, use links to sources.

Finally, pick your battles - some people CAN’T be persuaded. Signs that someone is so stubborn they won’t give in include using ‘we’ or us’ in statements, rather than the more subjective ‘I’ - which is an acknowledgement that something is personal opinion.