Tile Bluetooth Keyfinder Comes to Some Android Devices

Tile Bluetooth Keyfinder Comes to Some Android Devices

Tired of losing your keys or purse? Tile, a Bluetooth tracker that helps you locate misplaced items, launched its Android app today (Dec. 17), so scatterbrains on both iOS and Android can get some peace of mind. Each Tile costs $25, and can be attached to any item you are afraid of losing.

Not all Android devices can use the new app (free) yet. For now, Tile only works with the Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One, HTC One M8, LG Nexus 5 and Nexus 5. The company plans to support more Android devices in the future.

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Think of Tile as adding a Bluetooth connection to your belongings so you can look for them later. The device casts a Bluetooth signal of up to 100 feet to help you locate misplaced objects around you. A circle will show up on your phone and fill up as you get closer to your missing Tile. You can also make Tile play a tune to aid in your hunt.

Even if you're separated from your item beyond that 100 feet radius, Tile uses any phone with its app installed to help find your stuff when it's marked as lost. With the new Android app, that lost-and-found network could see significant expansion.

Staff writer Cherlynn Low is always misplacing her stuff. Follow her @cherlynnlow. Follow Tom's Guide at @tomsguide and on Facebook.

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