Tiny Flashlight + LED review

Tiny Flashlight + LED is a high powered utility application that gives you access to various types of lights and always has its users in mind, especially after the latest update that helped make the program smaller and more manageable. Besides the dark user interface, Tiny Flashlight is a wonderful tool for every device.


Multiple options: This application has powerful customization options, such as flash duration and intensity, and it also provides you with great settings like haptic feedback. You can set the home screen to also monitor battery life and temperature, which is great for measuring its impact on power consumption.

Various flash types: Tiny Flashlight + LED, in a move to make its program more lightweight, now offers additional downloadable plug-ins for extra flash types rather than including the options in the main download. We found it incredibly easy to download the additional content, and you will find the selection to be entertaining with items such as police and warning lights.

Powerful widget: The quick widgets are small and extremely personalized, so you can instantly access the exact flashlight that you want. Each is custom-made and saved our preset settings accurately during our tests.


Dark design: We found it hard to see the screen at times because of the dark design scheme of this application. It's understood that this program will be used in the dark, and this layout only makes it much harder to see the menu when in the dark.

Bottom Line

Tiny Flashlight + LED exceeds our expectations and is a must-have application because of its small size, variety of lights, and reliable performance. We suggest this program include a notification light that blinks when messages are received to enhance usability. All in all, anyone that is looking for a well-designed flashlight application will be impressed with Tiny Flashlight + LED.

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