'Today' Show Anchors Admit They Just Don't Get That Darn Social Media

'Today' Show Anchors Admit They Just Don't Get That Darn Social Media

Following a Today show segment about the Randi Zuckerberg-Facebook privacy fiasco the three anchors working the desk this morning revealed they approach Facebook (and, to a lesser extent, Twitter) the same way your parents do — assuming your parents have no idea what to do with the inner workings of social media.

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"Guys, I have to confess, I don't know anything about Facebook or privacy settings," Willie Geist admitted. Savannah Guthrie jumped in: "Okay, and also, show of hands if you understand how the photo got on Twitter. I don't quite get it myself." Even though Natalie Morales proceeded to explain that this all has to do with the privacy settings, no one actually answered Guthrie's question. (Callie Schweitzer, who started this whole thing, simply tweeted a link to a Zuckerberg family photo that popped on her Facebook feed — a tweet she deleted at the request of Mark Zuckerberg's sister.) "I'm confused," Morales says. "And this is why I don't do Facebook. My picture with my dog is the only thing I post." 

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While we don't doubt that they may have been connecting with some audience members who feel similarly about that darn Internet, it is slightly odd that three people with some of the most high profile jobs in all of media would ham it up as such luddites. All three, mind you, have verified and prolific Twitter accounts (see here, here, and here), and it is difficult to be a famous person on Facebook these days — privacy settings or not. So while we might not call it "poor journalism," as did Reuters's Anthony DeRosa in tweeting out the clip, we still can't help but watching the tail end of this segment over and over again: 

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