Top 10 items found during 2012 coastal cleanup

Top 10 items found during 2012 coastal cleanup

The Ocean Conservancy, a Washington D.C.-based environmental organization, released its 2012 list of trash collected during its International Coastal Cleanup. More than 10 million pounds of debris was collected globally, with more than 769,000 pounds collected in California alone. The most common items found during the cleanup:

1. Cigarettes/Cigarette Filters: 2,117,931

2. Food Wrappers/Containers: 1,140,222

3. Plastic Beverage Bottles: 1,065,171

4. Plastic Bags: 1,019,902

5. Caps/Lids: 958,893

6. Cups, Plates, Forks, Knives, Spoons: 692,767

7. Straws/Stirrers: 611,048

8. Glass Beverage Bottles: 521,730

9. Beverage Cans: 339,875

10. Paper Bags: 298,332


Source: Ocean Conservancy