Toronto Might Actually Reelect Rob Ford

Toronto Might Actually Reelect Rob Ford

Rob Ford, the Toronto Mayor who admitted to smoking crack and having an alcohol problem, is only down by three percentage points in the latest poll. A Forum Research poll shows Ford at 31 percent, compared to lead candidate John Tory's 34 percent. Equally surprising, the number of Toronto residents who want him to resign has dropped from 63 percent to about 50 percent. 

But good news is fleeting when you're Ford. Documents from the Catholic school Ford coached football at revealed that he was fired for threatening a teacher, being drunk at a practice and making players roll around in "goose scat," according to The Toronto Star

And yet, this latest news isn't the most damning revelation about Ford's history. In fact, Ford's comeback is all the more amazing when you consider that he's spent the better part of a year being a hot mess, embarrassing the city both by being ridiculous and actually breaking the law. There was:

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For months the world has been skeptical of Ford winning his re-election bid. But as he continues to rise in the polls – he was at 27 percent in an August 6 poll — it seems like the joke might be on us. 

This article was originally published at

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