Track of the Day: ‘Golden Hour’ by Podington Bear

For those struggling back to productivity after the long weekend, reader Barbara has several recommendations—starting with the soundtrack to a Washington Post video about Hawaii’s Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument:

I really liked the music that was used, but the credit was remarkably unhelpful: “Podington Bear.” No track name or album name. Some exploring did not identify the track, but it did inform me that Podington is Chad Crouch, who has a lot of ambient music available online. I listened to the album Springtime more than once—I like the cheerful aspect, and sometimes I work best with a little bounciness to goose me to more productivity. The tracks are short, but “Sidecar” and “Transmogrify” are fun, and “Golden Hour” [embedded above] is lush and relaxing. Several albums are on the Free Music Archive, which was also a new discovery for me.

I listened to “Golden Hour” a few times this morning, and can confirm both bounciness and relaxation. Back to Barbara’s list:

Read more from The Atlantic:

This article was originally published on The Atlantic.