Trump announces White House run, Walmart charity under fire, new pot ruling in Colorado

The three major stock indices (^DJI, ^GSPC, ^IXIC) are all in the green today but still trapped in the same range they have been for months. Could Janet Yellen and company bust them out of it tomorrow?

Here are some of the other stories Yahoo Finance is keeping an eye on today.

Trump is in!
After more than 20 years of toying with the American public about a run at the white house - billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump...and his hair are running for President. He made the announcement from his eponymous tower on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

The end of the government bailout?
Are government bailouts a thing of the past? That's the question being raised after a federal judge ruled in favor of former AIG (AIG) CEO and major investor Hank Greenberg. The court agreed with Greenberg the federal government went too far in taking control of the floundering insurance giant during the financial crisis.

Walmart charity case
The world's largest retailer is pushing back against charges by more than a dozen union and community organizations that the firm's charitable foundation is violating its tax-exempt status. The groups are complaining to the IRS the charity's money is used to ease opposition to stores opening in major cities such as New York and Los Angeles. In an email to Yahoo Finance, Walmart (WMT) says the complaint comes from "professional critics of Walmart who are more interested in advancing their own narrow agenda...and the allegations have no merit."

New pot ruling in Colorado
The issue of legalized marijuana and company drug-testing rules are in focus today. This follows a ruling in Colorado against a worker who was fired for using pot. The state's Supreme Court says Dish Network (DISH) was within its rights to terminate Brandon Coats for taking medical marijuana (outside of work) to ease pain from a car accident that left him paralyzed.


