Two Birds Make Like A NASA Shuttle In This Stunning Wildlife Shot


Now here’s something you don’t see every day: a couple of birds replicating NASA’s shuttle carrier aircraft.

It might seem like a bit of a leap but take a look at the carrier for comparison:


The birds, which were in fact a pair of common mynas, were in flight at an angle where one appeared to be hitching a ride with the other, just like the space shuttle on the back of an aeroplane.

The shot was captured by IT consultant Nitin Chandra, 50, from New Delhi, India, from the rooftop of his apartment.

Nitin used a Nikon D7200 camera body with a Nikkor 70-300mm VR lens to take the photos, which he does in his spare time.

Nitin said: “I usually spend a couple of hours on the rooftop of my apartment, as I live close to a large park that’s home to all kinds of wildlife.

"The mynas looked really great and as if one of them was hitching a ride with the other, a lot like the way that the NASA planes transport the shuttles.

"When I saw the mynas from my apartment, I immediately though of that image, but had to wait several days to get the perfect shot. It took me about a week or so of waiting as they went past."