The Vampire Diaries: Did You Say a "Prayer for the Dying"?

The Vampire Diaries S06E12: "Prayer for the Dying"

An episode title like "Prayer for the Dying" can't be promising news for Sheriff Forbes, whose cancer will probably not be cured by Caroline's blood. Unless maybe it was one of the four twins who needed praying for this week? Oh and hey, what's up with Bonnie? Her life was bad enough when she was trapped in a prison realm with a witch and her best friend Damon, but now she's all alone! She's probably not dying, though, so don't bother praying for her. But still: For whom should we pray?!?

Guys, I'm still working on my photo recap of this week's Vampire Diaries, but while I finish that, this the place for you to turn a chair backwards, sit down, and rap. What did you think of this episode? How are you doing in general? Comment below and the recap will be posted here when it's done.

Talk soon!

Price P.


UPDATE 1/30: Hey guys, unfortunately I have to delay/cancel this photo recap for now. We lost my dad this morning, so it seems like a good time to step away from the computer. Sorry about that.

(And haha wow, those Sheriff Forbes scenes were VERY rude 2 my heart. Good episode, though.)

Talk soooon,