Video: Was Hobby Lobby Wrongly Decided?

Do corporations have the same religious freedoms as natural persons under the First Amendment or federal law?


At a special event on March 25th at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., the National Constitution Center hosted a debate on this important topic featuring the Federalist Society and the American Constitution Society.

The discussion was the first in a series of constitutional debates to be held across America featuring the three groups.

In the inaugural debate, Frederick Gedicks of Brigham Young University and Kevin Walsh of the University of Richmond argued for and against the motion: “Hobby Lobby was wrongly decided.”

This debate was made possible through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

Jeffrey Rosen, President and CEO, National Constitution Center, moderated the discussion.

To watch the full video of the debate, click on the following link or view the program in the player below: