jkelley@wwltv.com | Twitter: @jkelleyWWL NEW ORLEANS -- The city has already begun setting up public portable bathrooms along the Uptown and Endymion parade routes, but with the city's new port-a-potty ban on public property, some wonder if that will be enough. There is one thing Justin Woods' Endymion party never goes without: a port-a-potty. However, this year he will have to put it in his backyard. That is because new Mardi Gras rules make it illegal for anyone to put privately rented port-o-lets on public property. Now that has Woods concerned more people will be in search for a bathroom this year. "There is always the frantic mother and the antsy kid, she is always looking for a place for her kid to use the potty, it happens every single year without fail," said Woods. With the new ordinace in place the city is trying to fill the void by providing 700 port-o-lets along various spots on the parade route. The only thing is, it is the same amount as last year and some say that is not enough. "I have definitely seen more privately-owned port-a-potties on Orleans Avenue than I've seen city-owned port-a-potties," said Woods. "Of course I would like to have more, always," said District A Councilwoman Susan Guidry. "I pushed for as many as we could get extra, we got 18, and I am going to try and start this earlier next year and ask for more." Guidry says with the extra 18 port-a-johns, there will be a total of 268 along the Endymion parade route, 110 of which will be placed on Orleans Avenue. District B Councilwoman LaToya Cantrell says once Endymion is over, those port-a-potties will join the rest of the fleet on the Uptown route. "120 will be placed on Napoleon Avenue, 59 at Lee Circle," said Cantrell. "Those locations are consistent, they are always there, but we will have over 20 that will be placed on Louisiana Avenue." Cantrell says budget constraints and limited space make it difficult to add anymore port-o-lets, but she says the city hopes to be able to provide more in the future.   City officials say it is a good idea to be prepared, plan ahead and know where the port-o-lets will be along the route. You can find the locations of port-o-lets on the city's website,  nola.gov, along with a list of the new laws going into effect this year.">