Virginia Has No Love For a Reality Star Governor

Virginia Has No Love For a Reality Star Governor

"[Tareq] Salahi has the dubious designation of being one of the least popular people we've ever polled," Public Policy Polling's Tom Jensen said of the White House-crashing reality star's potential run for the Virginia governorship. 

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Salahi is famous, you'll recall (though you're forgiven if you don't), for crashing a White House state dinner with his wife when they co-starred in The Real Housewives of D.C. That fame was further compounded when she ran away with the guy from Journey. And further compounded. Salahi's public musing that he might run for governor of Virginia as a Republican was greeted with some light mocking from, well, us (among others.) In a poll mostly devoted to serious numbers gathering on prospects for the governor's race, PPP found Thursday that just 2 percent of Virginians polled had a positive opinion on him while 34 percent had a negative one. (One assumes the blissful 64 percent had no opinion because they couldn't quite recall who he was.) Talking Points Memo's Benjy Sarlin agrees with PPP's analysis, tweeting, "Gotta be worst ever" numbers. This is, perhaps, a lethal blow in the campaign that was probably never going to happen anyway. Indeed, he's got to be the least popular reality star turned hypothetical politician since Mayor-to-Be Kim Kardashian announced her maybe-run. Democracy!