A Wall Street Transcript Interview with Kam Mofid, the CEO of Real Goods Solar, Inc. (RSOL)

67 WALL STREET, New York - February 20, 2014 - The Wall Street Transcript has just published its Alternative Energy & Utilities Report offering a timely review of the sector to serious investors and industry executives. This special feature contains expert industry commentary through in-depth interviews with public company CEOs, Equity Analysts and Money Managers. The full issue is available by calling (212) 952-7433 or via The Wall Street Transcript Online.

Topics covered: Outlook for Biofuels and Biochemicals - Asia Pacific Demand for Solar Energy - Grid Parity Timelines for Alternative Energy - Solar Energy Pricing - Government Subsidies and Regulation - Solar Growth Drivers and Headwinds - Regulatory Headwinds for U.S. Utilities

Companies include: Real Goods Solar, Inc. (RSOL) and many others.

In the following excerpt from the Alternative Energy & Utilities Report, the CEO of Real Goods Solar discusses the outlook for his company for investors:

TWST: Can you begin with a brief introduction to Real Goods Solar, including some highlights from the company's history and an overview of your current operations?

Mr. Mofid: Real Goods Solar is one of the oldest solar companies in the country. In fact, our founder is generally regarded as the first person to sell PV panels to the public in 1978, at the time for more than $100 a watt. So when we compare that to the cost today, we really get a sense of how far the industry has come.

The reason I mentioned we were established in 1978 is because I think it's important for those who follow us or are new to our story to realize and appreciate our long-term history and commitment to the sector as a pioneering solar-energy provider. So the company has been in the sector for a long time. But obviously, solar really never got major traction in the country until a few years ago when appropriate incentives were established, when solar PV module prices began to drop significantly, and new financing solutions were introduced for both residential and commercial market segments.

Right now, when I look at the company, I believe we are one of very few companies that are truly national players. We have a significant national footprint in basically all the key solar states, and we are also a strong residential and commercial player. In fact, GTM Research's U.S. PV Leaderboard ranks us the fifth-largest residential-solar installer for Q3 2013. Many of the players typically focus on one sector or another, but we have a very balanced portfolio of residential footprint and commercial footprint.

TWST: Your third-quarter revenue increased 29% compared to the same period in 2012. To what do you attribute that increase, and what indications do you have that revenue will continue to increase this year?

For more of this interview and many others visit the Wall Street Transcript - a unique service for investors and industry researchers - providing fresh commentary and insight through verbatim interviews with CEOs, portfolio managers and research analysts. This special issue is available by calling (212) 952-7433 or via The Wall Street Transcript Online.
