Watch a Barbarian Horde Glitter Bomb Bachmann's Clinic

Watch a Barbarian Horde Glitter Bomb Bachmann's Clinic

Gay activists dressed as barbarians took over Marcus Bachmann's clinic for "reparative therapy" in Minnesota on Thursday. Armed with Lady Gaga music and fistfuls of glitter, the group led by LGBT activist Nick Espinosa filled the clinic's lobby and demanded to speak to Bachmann, husband of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. After a staffer asked them to leave, they tossed glitter across the office and began to chanteing, "You can't pray the gay away--Baby, I was born this way!"

RELATED: Marcus Bachmann Denies Clinic Forces Gays Straight

Both Michele and Marcus have a long and controversial history with gay rights. Michele, whose sister is openly gay, has compared the gay lifestyle to "personal bondage, personal despair, and personal enslavement." Her husband was recorded saying, "We need to understand: Barbarians need to be educated. They need to be disciplined. Just because someone feels it or thinks it doesn't mean that we are supposed to go down that road." However, he has denied that his clinic is used for therapy to turn gays straight. 

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The glitter bombers don't buy his explanation. “Its time for Michele Bachmann to stop running away and to take responsibility for her destructive clinic. She, of all people, should not be abusing medicare and wasting taxpayer dollars to practice quack science that endangers her patients,” Espinosa said in a statement.

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