Watch the Inspiring Reality Check Eric Garner's Daughter Gave on the Slain NYPD Officers

Protesters took to the streets of New York City on Tuesday night, despite appeals from Mayor Bill de Blasio for a few days of silence after a mentally ill man shot and killed two NYPD officers. 

Some of the protesters have been in the streets since a grand jury late last month decided not to indict the police officer who held Staten Island man Eric Garner in a choke hold as he said "I can't breathe" repeatedly until he died. His dying words have been taken up as part of a broader national protest against police brutality, which only grew after the officer responsible for the death of unarmed Missouri teen Michael Brown also didn't face indictment.

Garner's daughter, Emerald, knows the anger and frustration of those protesters—who have been peaceful and inherently antiviolence from the start. But Emerald also has this to say about New York police:

Related stories on TakePart:

‘I Can’t Breathe’: 13 Heartbreaking Scenes of Protest Against the Eric Garner Decision

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Original article from TakePart