Watch Oregon's $2.9M, Very... Oregon Obamacare Ads

Oregon plans to launch a $2.9 million multiplatform ad campaign on Tuesday to promote its new online health insurance market, The Oregonian's Nick Budnick reports, and the ads they're using are very... Oregon.

Folksinger Laura Gibson stars in the 60-second "Live Long In Oregon" spot, which is aesthetically similar to the title sequence from Fox's New Girl. As Gibson stands in a red sundress in the middle of a field singing about "the Oregon way," earth-tone-clad stagehands and children rotate through carrying cardboard clouds, rainbows, waves and paintings of various Oregon locales. The lyrics, meanwhile, celebrate Oregon's diversity:

Each logger and lawyer and stay-at-home dad

Every baker and banker and indie rock band

Each student and teacher and neighbor and friend

Will live long in Oregon

Long live our Oregon spirit

Long live the Oregon way

A second ad is similarly simple, featuring singer and guitarist Matt Sheehy performing in a variety of settings: knee-deep in a river, at a manufacturing plant, a crabbing ship and, lastly, a twilight beach bonfire: