Watch Tony Hawk and Jaws skateboard in zero-gravity

Last time we checked out one of Tony Hawk’s crazy skateboard tricks, he was skating the world’s first horizontal loop. Last time we watched a spectacular zero-gravity video, we were enjoying a new OK Go out-of-the-box music video. But what happens when you combine Hawk’s mad skating skills with zero G, and record everything on video?

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Tony Hawk and Aaron “Jaws” Homoki are the stars of the following video, as they both try to perform a variety of tricks in different types of gravity. They give Mars gravity and Moon gravity a try before moving to what seems to be the best trick of all: skateboarding without weighing anything.

It’s not easy to perform any of these tricks in low gravity, let alone in no gravity. But the two famed skateboarders seem to be having fun even when there’s not enough gravity to help them pull off some of their best moves. In fact, you may very well say that the absence of gravity seems to motivate them to come up with ways to still entertain fans.

The entire thing is a promo for Sony’s 4K cameras, but that doesn’t make it any less watchable – check out the full video below.

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