Watchup review

Watchup delivers free, customized, daily newscasts to your Android device. You can choose the categories (News, Sports, Politics, and so on) and providers, and schedule your newscasts for specific times or all the time.


Categories: We could build our newscast by category, including Politics, World, Entertainment, Technology, Gaming, Humor, and Ideas.

Timesaver: Open the drawer and tap More Categories to edit the categories you want to follow, and skip the ones that don't interest you.

Easy to handle: Watchup's video-intensive interface loads a little slowly but scrolls and swipes smoothly. The layout has functional touches like large scrolling digits for easy, one-handed scheduling.

Text extras: Tapping the text menu opens related stories you can read for more depth and context.


Selections: We frequently weren't impressed by the quality, authority, and even the relevance of the stories Watchup pulled to our selected categories.

Semi-custom: You're limited to the app's sources and can't add your own, such as local news stations.

Passive: TV newscasts are designed for lounging time -- not life on the go -- and don't always recycle well to Android screens. Watching video takes longer than reading text and uses a lot more battery power, too.

Bottom Line

Watchup is an efficient way to stay informed and make the most of those "hurry-up-and-wait" moments. If you wish you had more time to watch the news and more interesting news to watch, Watchup may be what you need.

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