The Weather Channel Wants in on 'Hunger Games' Traffic

It's a Hunger Games version of that infamous "What Time Is the Superbowl" headline from Huffington Post: the Weather Channel wants to cash in on your anticipation for the movie with its lead story "The Hunger Games and Weather." The story's a fine, a light feature about the North Carolina park where the movie was shot, but it's also probably the most blatant SEO bait we've seen for the movie yet. (The Atlantic Wire's Eric Randall pointed it out on Twitter.) 

RELATED: The 'Hunger Games' Hype

Sure, it's a naked grab for traffic, but it's not as bad as that "What Time Is the Superbowl" post, which Deadspin called "the most legendary act of SEO trolling ever." actually did manage to put together a story with lots of scene-setting from inside the park and anecdotes from rangers who talked about how the movie was filmed. But, really, it has almost nothing to do with actual weather, the thing we usually check for. The only mention of atmospheric concerns was an anecdote about a pool at which they filmed, which was empty the next time the crew arrived, when it was hot. So we're giving's "The Hunger Games and Weather" second place in the SEO troll polls.