This Week's Essential Comics: 2/2/15

New comics are almost here! A mountain of brand new issues will go on sale this Wednesday and deciding what to purchase isn't always the easiest decision around. So, we here at Comic Vine want to help you out by putting some hopefully awesome issues on your radar. We've reviewed the latest list of new releases and each of us will highlight a few comics that we're really, really looking forward to reading. Once you're finished seeing what we're excited to read, chime in with your own list! Now, let's see what the staff is going to read first on the upcoming edition of new comic book day.

Tony "G-Man" Guerrero's picks


As if there was any way you could not pick up this issue after the first one. STAR WARS has returned to Marvel. As great as some of the stories we’ve had over the years, it’s been a glorious return. Jason Aaron has taken on the iconic characters and presents them in a way that completely feels…right. John Cassaday has his hands full capturing the essence of these beloved characters but you can tell he’s diving right in with no problems.

Taking place shortly after Episode IV, we get to return to the characters shortly after their first big victory over the Empire. You would imagine they’re not too happy. So what happens when Darth Vader comes across Luke Skywalker? Let’s hope Luke survives the encounter.


The first issue was absolutely amazing and guess what? So is the second one. Taking place in the 60s, the book has been referred to as “Mad Men meets Hannibal.” There’s a great 60s vibe with Joëlle Jones’ art and Laura Allred’s colors.

What’s this series about? Imagine the perfect housewife (in the 60s). Her looks are perfectly maintained, as is her household and children. But this housewife actually has a side job her family isn’t aware of. It turns out she’s a deadly killer for hire. There is no shortage of action, violence, or mayhem. You haven’t really seen anything like this before. You don’t wanna miss this. The first issue is going to second printing but you can easily jump into this issue as well until you manage to track down a copy of the first.


You ever read a story where there’s just a big sinking feeling and you can’t stop reading? That’s how WYTCHES is. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t want to stop reading. It is really good stuff. Scott Snyder is giving us a new take on the concept and we’ve seen that ordinary people can be pledged. Being introduced to a couple with a daughter, we’re seeing some bad things headed their way. You want the characters to survive but because of the nature of the story, and because it’s Scott Snyder writing, there’s no telling how dark things will get. With their daughter missing, it’s up to the father to try to sort out what happened and what he can do next.

Jock’s art captures the dark and dreary mood of the story. Matt Hollingsworth’s colors takes the story and creates a freaky journey you get to take part in. This is a series you’ll want to try to read during the daytime.


Scott Lang has had his share of fans, but as Ant-Man, not everyone took him seriously. Nick Spencer is looking to change the mind of readers. We know Lang has been a little down on his luck in the past. Spencer takes the idea of a flawed character and makes it so you can’t help but feel for him. Lang is incredibly talented and we’ve already seen some of what he can do with the Ant-Man gear in the first issue. Now taking a look at his priorities, he’s doing his best to be a hero and father to recently returned Cassie Lang.

Now having shifted to Florida, this could be a chance to see a part of the Marvel Universe other than the typical New York City setting. Ramon Rosanas’ has a great feel to it and you’ll be proud to call yourself an Ant-Man fan with this series.


Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham. What more do you need to know?

In a fashion you’d expect from Morrison, things are going to get a little weird. The solicit text doesn’t really tell you a whole lot but it gives you a taste of what’s to come. This is your chance to jump into a brand new world where you don’t have to worry about decades of prior history with the characters. Having read the first issue, it’s a ride you’re going to want to take.

Chris Burnham’s art is fantastic. It’s always fun to see an artist able to create new a new comic book world and characters. We get some interesting sights and I can only imagine what more is coming up.

It should be noted this is a mature title.

Honorable Mention: SUPERMAN EARTH ONE Vol 3

Mat "Inferiorego" Elfring's picks


I've never been a big BPRD reader. In fact, I've never read on of those books, but I feel completely comfortable with HELLBOY & THE BPRD. As a Hellboy fan, I feel this book really captures elements of who Hellboy will become, but we get to see him on his first BPRD mission. The last issue revealed a bit of the elements this book will be delivering in the coming months and as always, writer Mike Mignola presents an interesting story filled with characters you want to know more about.

It's very cool to see Alex Maleev work on this book as well. His art style really fits this series and teamed up with Mignola, creatively, this is some A+ reading material. We're only three issues into this series, so you can still easily catch up by hitting up your LCS or getting digital copies. If you're a Hellboy fan, then this is a must read.


Ever since Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato took over DETECTIVE COMICS, I've been a huge fan of the series. Their unique spin on the book and Gotham has really revitalized the series. This current arc takes a look at a brand new Anarky and the story surrounding him is incredibly interesting.

The art on this series has been some of the best DETECTIVE COMICS has ever seen. The page layouts are wonderful and the art and colors are masterful. It's a very different book than BATMAN, and one that I personally favor, believe it or not. This may not be the best jumping on point for new readers, but you really need to check out this run and more importantly, this story.

The A.V. Club has an extra preview page.


The first arc of BIRTHRIGHT comes to a close in this issue! The last issue put some legitimacy to who Mikey is, well at least the part that he comes from another world. We got to see what mystical beings have made their way to Earth and it looks like it's going to be a challenge for Mikey, who actually is completely corrupted.

The art on this series has been phenomenal. Andrei Bressan and Adriano Lucas bring a great vibe and flavor to this book and give it a very distinctive look. If you're in the market for a book that reminds you of all the great fantasy films of the 80s and 90s, then this is something you'll want to check out. It hits all the beats of films in the same genre, but lets readers know what happens after the journey ends.

Gregg "k4tz" Katzman's picks


Deadpool's had a lot of titles over the past several years. Some have been hilarious and entertaining, and others... well, let's just be nice and not talk about them. There's more than a few I enjoyed, but nothing won me over nearly as much as NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEADPOOL did. It was a surprisingly brilliant blend of character-driven material and horror (that's right, it wasn't completely silly) and it even had a legitimately surprising ending. Now, Cullen Bunn is following up on that ending and I can't wait to see what he has planned for this alternate reality. Ramon Rosanas' artwork on the first limited series was incredible and it's a shame he isn't back for more, but if you take a look at the preview pages, you'll see Nicole Virella appears to be a solid fit for the book's tone. I know many of you think Wade Wilson's stories are just full of silliness and slapstick comedy, but the first limited series was compelling and I really hope Bunn continues to balance character, horror and comedy very well.


Yes, this is like, the gazillionth time Frank Castle has been captured, but who cares when the stories are so good and look amazing? This time, the situation is completely different as well. The Howling Commandos have finally gotten their hands on the Punisher, but how long can they really keep him in their custody? Will he turn them against one another? Will he make a jaw-droppingly badass escape from the military facility? And what's going on with Sam back in the prison? Only time will tell, but as long as Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads are handling it, you can bet I'm going to read it. No matter what's going on in the story, I can rely on this book for a good insight into Frank Castle and creative visuals.

Click here to watch the preview theatre edition.


RoboCop has upgraded physicals and he's currently in the middle of an ambush. What more do you really need to know to get this one? Should I remind you this series feels like a true continuation of the classic movie? Or that the tone remains the same and this is an obvious must read for anyone who enjoys the first film? Seriously, the franchise is in good hands and they should really just call this series "the sequel fans deserve." I mean, RoboCop kicked a dude's head off in the last issue and then he uppercutted an ED. What more do you honestly want? Oh yeah, there's a good plot in here, too, but they're really selling the action!


When Valiant says it has a new title, it would be wise to pay attention. Who else is totally loving THE VALIANT and IVAR, TIME WALKER? I'll assume many of said you are because the world is a better place with those two titles in it. Anyway, IMPERIUM has two big selling points: Toyo Harada and the creative team. Harada is a complex villain and, if you read HARBINGER #0, odds are you were completely fascinated by the character. He absolutely has what it takes to hold your curiosity and make you think about moral dilemmas. Having it written by Joshua Dysart and illustrated by Doug Braithwaite gives me a whole lot of confidence in this issue, too. Dysart has done phenomenal work with HARBINGER and he sure knows how to write organic and captivating dialogue. As for Braithwaite's visuals, all I'll say is take a look at the preview and enjoy!

Honorable Mention: SUPERMAN #38

Corey "Undeadpool" Schroeder's picks


How about that last issue ending, huh? HUH?! With the literal future of the town on the line, Joshua Williamson has introduced a way to keep the stakes high without either betraying the intimacy of the comic or taking things too far too fast. The mystery behind why serial killers seem to flow from this town is also intact and actually seems to be taking a backseat to the more immediate plotlines, but that's not the worst thing in the world. Wiliamson seems to understand the value of diversifying the book's content to avoid it becoming stale. Series regular Mike Henderson once again lends his grounded, gritty, subtly stylized art to the issue.

SAGA #25

SAGA'S BACK! Every time the hiatus seems longer and longer, even though I'm almost positive it's the same length (or even shorter), but Brian K. Vaughan (he of the many-voweled name variant) has an incredible knack for perfectly threading the needle of a cliffhanger without making it cheap or seem like a contrivance. He's also mastered the art of keeping the reader guessing, not just in terms of the moment-to-moment events in the issue, but in terms of where the book will be after it returns. There's often a time jump forward, but how long? And WHO will we be following?! AND WHO WILL BE UNCEREMONIOUSLY KILLED?! We're also getting more Fiona Staples art and that's never a bad thing. Ever.


The Guardians and the X-Men reunite! The Black Vortex has been getting an AWFUL lot of hype and attention, and now we see what it's all been leading up to in this first issue. Sam Humphries' record with the Guardians has been a solid one and veteran artist Ed McGuinness brings a cartoonish zest to whatever title he's working on, meaning this one's got a lot of great talent going into it. I'm not entirely caught up on all the assembled titles, but I'm a big fan of the talent behind it, and the general direction both have been heading in, so I'm anxious to see where it goes next.

Honorable Mention: MS. MARVEL #11

Follow us on Twitter: CV, Tony, Mat, Gregg, Corey.

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