Weeks for Mayflower leak evacuees to return

May be weeks until Mayflower residents evacuated after ExxonMobil oil pipeline leak return

MAYFLOWER, Ark. (AP) -- Officials say it will be weeks before some Mayflower residents who had to leave their homes because of a leak from an Exxon Mobil Corp. oil pipeline can return.

More than 20 homes were evacuated after the March 29 leak from the pipeline flooded a neighborhood with crude oil.

The Unified Command responsible for cleanup says ExxonMobil and environmental regulators will conduct air monitoring and sampling in the homes. The state Health Department will make final recommendations on when residents can return. Officials say residents will have to take certain steps to prepare their homes to be checked.

Officials say heavy debris removal is nearly complete in the cove in Lake Conway where the oil spilled. Testing shows no oil drifted into Lake Conway.