Weird business news: $30 hot dogs, dog photographers and thirsty soccer players

This week in weird business news…

Hot Diggity Dog

New York City is expensive but $30 for a hot dog seems over the top. A street vendor near ground zero was recently let go for charging tourists between $10 and $30 per hot dog. Jessica Lappin of the Alliance for Downtown New York was alerted to the price gouging last week when fights started breaking out near the stand. She told NBC New York that the vendor was giving New York a bad name.

Photography’s gone to the dogs

You love your dog and you love taking photos so…why not let your dog take photos? That’s what I imagine Nikon’s line of reasoning must have been when the company created a case for its digital cameras that takes photos from a dogs-eye view. The case hangs around the dog’s neck and monitors its heart rate. The camera snaps a pic whenever the heart rate spikes. So get ready for lots of pictures of garbage, squirrels and food.

Water break

Finally, a Chongqing Lifan goalkeeper is having a very bad week. Sui Weijie, a professional soccer player, was fined 50,000 yuan or about $8000 for taking a leisurely sip of water as the opposing team scored and tied the game in a Chinese Super League match. The player could also be suspended. In a statement, Weijie said, “I made a terrible mistake in Sunday’s game and let go a full three points…I won’t repeat the same mistake and will never lose concentration.”

That’s your weird business news for this week…check back next week-- same time, same place for more.

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