Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? Kirk Cameron’s New Film Seeks to Answer Age-Old Question

Actor Kirk Cameron's first documentary "Monumental" explored America's founding principles. But in his latest endeavor, "Unstoppable," he'll tackle more profoundly theological and human phenomenons -- mainly pain and suffering. At the center of the film is one of the most frequently asked life questions: "Why does God let bad things happen to good people?"

TheBlaze recently spoke with Cameron to learn more about his new movie, coming to theaters in September, and to better understand the connection between the two faith-driven projects. The cohesive theme seen in both "Monumental" and "Unstoppable," he says, is the idea of God's "hand of providence."

"Thematically, [the new project] is a movie about faith, hope and love and we can see that playing out in 'Monumental' in the formation of this great nation we live in," he said, going on to note that his new movie offers a different exploration -- a very personal look at God's role in human beings' lives as it relates to tragedy and suffering.

Starting from the Garden of Eden, Cameron will take viewers through Biblical history to explore these important themes and to show that, regardless of what happened, God still had his hand in and on each and every historical and contemporary scenario.

Actor Kirk Cameron Details His New Movie About Good, Evil and Human Suffering: God Never Takes His Hand Off the Wheel
Actor Kirk Cameron Details His New Movie About Good, Evil and Human Suffering: God Never Takes His Hand Off the Wheel

Photo Credit: Kirk Cameron

Viewers can expect some fascinating reenactments, as the actor-turned-director said that the Garden of Eden and the story of Cain and Abel, among others, are shown in dramatic fashion (Cameron and his team filmed these scenes in Los Angeles and South Dakota).

"We've got Adam, Eve and the serpent, Noah and the flood ... juxtaposed against a very personal story of my 15-year-old friend Matthew," he explained.

Cameron told TheBlaze about the young man who died from cancer this year, describing him as a "friend." The actor went to Matthew's funeral in Bison, South Dakota, when he passed away, and he watched as the boy's casket was lowered into the ground. The pain that the loss of a such a young life caused was so profound, Cameron decided to put it at the center of the film, abandoning previous plans to travel through Europe with a slightly different story line.

Giving it a personal touch, the entertainer said he simply relied upon the human experience.

"I didn't consult Rick Warren or Deepak Chopra or an apologist for this film. I went back into the Biblical narrative to discover the heart and character of God to make sense of my friend's funeral," he explained.

Actor Kirk Cameron Details His New Movie About Good, Evil and Human Suffering: God Never Takes His Hand Off the Wheel
Actor Kirk Cameron Details His New Movie About Good, Evil and Human Suffering: God Never Takes His Hand Off the Wheel

A screen shot from Kirk Cameron's "Unstoppable" trailer (Photo Credit: Kirk Cameron)

Cameron hopes that people will leave the theater filled with faith and hope, as "Unstoppable," he believes, will show them that "God never takes his hand off the wheel." Through his exploration of good and evil -- one that will go all the way back to the beginning of human history -- the actor is hoping to sustain and grow his audience's faith.

"[The Lord] has used the most tragic and terrible tragedies to accomplish the greatest good for you and me," Cameron said. "He's been doing it since the very beginning."

"God has a wonderful way of using that which he hates -- the bad choices people make, evil and pain and suffering -- to steer those things to accomplish what he loves," he added.

Watch the film's trailer, below:

These themes, familiar to Christians, Cameron says show just how amazing God is. In the end, he believes and he promises to convey to viewers that the Lord is "stronger than evil" and that "faith is stronger than doubt."

As for atheists and non-believers, the "Unstoppable" director is also hoping that they will come out of the film having a better sense of who God is and how their lives fit into the greater life equation.

Already, the film's sales are outpacing those of "Monumental" before its release. "Unstoppable" is set to show in partnership with Liberty University at theaters across America for one night only on Sept. 24 (information and tickets can be found here).


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