Why Rubio Wasn't the Match For Romney

ABC News is reporting that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is not being vetted by Mitt Romney’s team, making it unlikely he’ll be tapped as a running mate. 

In retrospect, the biggest clue that Romney wouldn’t be looking to Rubio took place Sunday, when the Republican presidential nominee awkwardly batted away questions about Obama’s executive order on “Face the Nation.”  It was clear that immigration was the last thing Romney wanted to talk about. Selecting Rubio would only underscore the divide in the Republican party between immigration reformers and restrictionists. 

Romney’s been trying to avoid ticking off his base while moderating his position for the general election, but his sharp rhetoric on the subject during the primaries is making it difficult.  And he wants desperately to focus relentlessly on the economy, viewing immigration as an unwanted distraction.

At the same time, the conventional wisdom that Romney needs to cut his large deficit with Latino voters to prevail over Obama may also be missing the mark. On his bus tour this week, Romney spent time in the white, working-class Rust Belt, hitting small towns without much of a Hispanic presence. It’s becoming as important for Romney to win over white voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin as it is to appeal to Hispanics in Florida, Nevada and Colorado. Ron Brownstein noted last week that, Romney could win the election even if he loses the vast majority of minorities, thanks to Obama’s Mondale-like standing among white voters.

That means Romney is likely looking for a running mate with working-class appeal. Ohio Sen. Rob Portman is at the top of many pundits’ lists, but it may be another Midwesterner who campaigned energetically for Romney over the weekend that is getting renewed attention in Boston: former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. Pawlenty, who kicked off his political career by declaring the Republican party was “the party of Sam’s Club, not just the country club.”

--Hotline Executive Editor Josh Kraashaur 


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