Wii U Exclusive Stealth Inc 2 Release Date Revealed

Sequel to the cult espionage platformer coming to Nintendo eShop in October.

VIDEO: Stealth Inc 2 with Lead Level Designer Commentary [10:21]

UK indie developer Curve Studios has announced that its Wii U exclusive game, Stealth Inc 2, will be available on the Nintendo eShop from October 23. Curve has told GameSpot that the release date applies to both the US and UK.

The 2D stealth platformer is a sequel to the free PC game, previously known as Stealth Bastard, which gained cult following and went on to be released on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PS Vita (with its name changed to Stealth Inc).

As Stealth Inc's popularity continued to grow, the title was ported onto Android and iOS, but despite Curve Studios' strong relationship with Nintendo, the game did not ship onto Wii U or 3DS.

Explaining its reasons for investing in Wii U, Curve Digital's execs believe that the Wii U's eShop offers a good opportunity for the studio, specifically because it isn't flooded with games competing for shelf space.

"The good thing about releasing on Nintendo is, you're not competing with a lot of other people," Curve Studios' marketing manager Rob Clarke told Gamespot in May.

"Even as an indie publisher we always fight with AAA for space on the storefront. With Nintendo, we know they're gonna support us. We also know that we're not having to compete with, say, Watch Dogs for example."

A closer look at how the game plays, with developer commentary, can be found in the video above.

Rob Crossley is GameSpot's UK News Editor - you can follow him on Twitter here

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