Wish review

Online shopping emporium Wish.com's Android app lets users shop for fashion, accessories, gadgets, and more from a range of suppliers, many of them shipped directly from China and other countries where goods are produced. Bargains can be had, but so can shoppers, to judge by some of the customer responses.


Shop at the source: Being able to browse or search suppliers directly for goods can yield good bargains, even when shipping and delivery are factored in.

Worldwide selection: Sites like Wish.com give consumers more choices. Even if you don't buy an item through Wish.com or another site, you'll be better informed about things like cost and style options.

Customer relations: Wish.com doesn't lack for unhappy users airing their complaints, but we noticed an effort to apologize and provide support options.


Shipping: Some of the shipping rates Wish.com quotes from the Far East to the US seem too good to be true; and lost and delayed shipments seemed to be a common theme in customer complaints.

Gray goods: Other customer complaints concerned items inaccurately or deceptively described, "gray market" goods, defective items that have to be shipped back overseas, and other issues typical with online shopping malls -- not just Wish.com.

Bottom Line

Wish seems to be making an effort to improve customer service and satisfaction. But special care is needed when buying directly from overseas suppliers, so be sure you consider all factors when bargain hunting.

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