Witcher 3 Dev Treating Xbox One Save Problems "Very Seriously"

CD Projekt Red working on delivering fix "as soon as possible."

The Witcher 3 developer CD Projekt Red has acknowledged an issue affecting the ability to save games on the Xbox One version of its open-world role-playing game.

The issue, as reported by numerous users on the Witcher 3 forum, disables the auto-saving and manual saving function, but doesn't notify the player this has happened.

This has led to complaints that numerous hours of play have been lost and, obviously, is an issue that can negatively impact the experience of a large open-world RPG.

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Responding to one of the forum posts, CD Projekt Red quest designer Philipp Weber confirmed the studio is "aware of the issue and treat it very seriously," adding that it hopes to "put the fix in a patch as soon as possible."

On Monday CD Projekt Red released a new patch for the PC version of the game that improved texture rendering quality, introduced the ability to rebind all keys, and more. The full Witcher 3 patch notes can be read here.

A patch for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions, which will address frame rate issues and more, is expected this week at the earliest.

The Witcher 3 launched worldwide on May 19 to rave reviews, including a perfect 10/10 from GameSpot. The game has faced some controversy, with its developer recently speaking out to address "graphics downgrade" concerns.

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