Woman Caught With Loaded Gun in Her Vagina Carried 30 Grams of Meth, Too

A woman stashed a loaded gun in her vagina.

A traffic stop near an elementary school in Waco, Texas quickly turned into a drug bust on Monday night.

Waco police stopped a 1998 Toyota Land Rover for a traffic violation. Cops would soon discover the vehicle’s driver, Gabriel Garcia, 30, had 2.7 grams of methamphetamine under his seat. Police kept searching and found an additional 29.5 grams of meth as well as weighing scales in female passenger Ashley Cecilia Castaneda’s,31, purse. The two were arrested on the spot.

On the car ride to jail Castaneda told an officer she had hidden a gun in her vagina. A female officer searched Castaneda and in her vagina found a loaded Smith and Wesson .22-caliber pistol, which she luckily didn’t need a surgical intervention for.

Garcia and Castaneda were charged for possession of meth within a drug-free zone, because of the school grounds. Castaneda was additionally charged for unlawfully carrying a weapon.

[via KHOU]

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