Woman defaces famous Louvre painting with 911 scribblings

New York, Feb 9 (ANI): A woman had been arrested for defacing a famous painting at France's Louvre-Lens gallery, writing 'AE911Truth' at the bottom of the painting. The woman had scribbled the writing, which is related to a website called as 'Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth', on the celebrated 'La Libert� guidant le Peuple' (Liberty leading the people) painting, which was painted by French artist Eugene Delacroix in 1830, New York Daily News reports. Fortunately, the Louvre had confirmed that it has managed to save the painting as the black marker had not penetrated the upper layer of varnish and has been successfully removed. According to the supporters of the website which had led to the defacing, they are seeking to establish the truth of the September 11, 2001 suicide airliner attacks on New York's Twin Towers. Expressing his consternation over the incident, Vincent Pomarede, head of the Louvre's painting department, said that the painting has become an icon and a symbol for France and has remained famous throughout the ages. Pomarede added that it becomes difficult to handle such an incident as the gallery has strong relationships with its paintings. Painted in 1830, the work was on loan from the main Louvre in Paris to the new 150 million euro Louvre-Lens gallery in northern France inaugurated in December 2012 by French President Francois Hollande. Delacroix's "Liberty Leading the People" was painted after the 1830 July Revolution as a symbol of reconciliation following the overthrow of Bourbon King Charles X and the ascent to the throne of his cousin Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orleans. (ANI)