Women experiencing intimate partner violence likelier to be food insecure

Washington, Oct 27 (ANI): A new research has revealed that women, who experience physical, mental or sexual abuse at the hands of their partners have an increased likelihood of being food insecure. The study from the University of Houston Texas Obesity Research Center (TORC), found that women experiencing intimate partner violence are more likely to be depressed, which impacts their ability to ensure a food-secure household. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Core Food Security Module, "food insecurity" reflects rationing, portion control and inability to offer families balanced meals. TORC researcher Daphne Hernandez followed data from nearly 1,700 women involved in a romantic relationship (married or cohabitating with a partner) who also had experienced intimate partner violence. She found that mothers who experienced intimate partner violence were at 44 percent greater odds of experiencing depression. Additionally, households in which mothers experienced depression were twice as likely to experience food insecurity. "It appears that depression may impact mothers' motivation to obtain and prepare food due to their decreased appetite, mental and physical fatigue and feelings of being overwhelmed," she said. "Additionally the moms' feelings of helplessness, brought on by the violence they experienced, may challenged them to access the proper support." (ANI)