Wyoming Advances ‘Doomsday Bill’ to Help Residents During Possible Collapse

Over the past few years, economic woes have led to both fear and uncertainty. The Blaze already told you about what "preppers" are doing to ready themselves should disaster become reality. GBTV, too, has brought you "Independence USA," a reality show featuring a family trying to live off the grid. But now it seems even some politicians are getting in on the preparatory spirit, with officials in the State of Wyoming advancing what many are calling a "Doomsday Bill."

In the event that America's political system or economic stability collapses, some Wyoming lawmakers contend that a viable plan must be in place. Enter Bill 85, which passed its first vote in the state's House on Friday. If advanced, the "Doomsday Bill" would create a state-run government task force that would explore and handle energy supplies, food shortages and other needs related to a potential nationwide governmental collapse. "The task force would include state lawmakers, the director of the Wyoming Department of Homeland Security, the Wyoming attorney general and the Wyoming National Guard’s adjutant general, among others," reports Trib.com. And here's the kicker: If, indeed, such a horrific incident takes hold, Wyoming would potentially be able to issue its own currency -- an action that would allow the state to isolate and self-contain, while continuing its commerce and operations. Additionally, WTOP.com reports that the proposed task force will examine the conditions under which the state government would need its own army, aircrafts and other materials. While the state's Department of Homeland Security already has a crisis management plan on the books, it doesn't cover what would happen if a nationwide political or economic disruption or collapse takes form. In the past, at least six other states have attempted to create state currency; all have failed. With Occupy Wall Street continuing to have a nation-wide presence and with the economy still on shaky ground, the bill's sponsor, state Rep. David Miller (R-Riverton), sees the proposal as a common-sense move. That being said, Miller also contends that he doesn't anticipate any catastrophic event in America in the near future. For him, the bill is more about protection in the case of a massive emergency. "I don’t think there’s anyone in this room today [that] would come up here and say that this country is in good shape, that the world is stable and in good shape — because that is clearly not the case," state Rep. Lorraine Quarberg (R-Thermopolis) said on Friday. "To put your head in the sand and think that nothing bad’s going to happen, and that we have no obligation to the citizens of the state of Wyoming to at least have the discussion, is not healthy." Before going to the Wyoming Senate, the bill must clear two more House votes. Originally, it called for $32,000 in state funds to be allocated to the task force; last week, this number was cut in half, which could make it a more palatable measure for lawmakers who are operating in cash-strapped times.