Young Hollywood Flocks to the "She Wants Me" Premiere

FWD103 Kristen Ruhlin attends the "She Wants Me" premiere in Los Angeles on Thursday, April 5, 2012. (Fashion Wire Daily/Maria Ramirez)

It was a night to remember for the young Hollywood set, as "She Wants Me" premiered in Beverly Hills on Thursday, April 5. Writer-director-producer Rob Margolies happily brought his romantic comedy to the big screen, with the help of his pal Charlie Sheen, who executive produced the flick and has a quick cameo, too.

Sheen didn't make the scene, but leading lady Kristen Ruhlin did, looking ready for her close-up in a golden cocktail dress. She got out of the way as another of the film's executive producers Jeremy Schott yukked it up with a faux red-carpet stranglehold on Margolies, then blew air kisses at the assembled fans.

Ruhlin's co-stars in "She Wants Me" added more youthful beauty to the night's festivities, as Louise Linton, Melonie Diaz, Brit Morgan and Tenille Houston posed prettily for the cameras. Co-star Hilary Duff stayed home with her new baby, but the guys in the comedy that's all about the dog-eat-dog world of landing a plum part in a Hollywood movie made the scene.

Those co-stars included Aaron Yoo, Johnny Messner, Joel Michaely, Alex Solowitz and Teddy Lane, Jr., who all joined in the fun, but the most excitement of the night was reserved for a guy who isn't in "She Wants Me" at all. "The Twilight Saga" star Booboo Stewart, one of young Hollywood's hottest stars and a Disney channel favorite, too, made the red-carpet scene really howl, along with his younger siblings, actress Fivel Stewart and their littlest sister Sage.