YouTube Star’s Body Shaming “Dear Fat People” Video Pisses Off the Internet

It's about as funny as Miley Cyrus hosting the VMAs.

YouTube “star” Nicole Arbour made a video called “Dear Fat People” a “satire” (her words) where she fat-shamed. The internet didn’t think it was funny and dragged her for being problematic, and not to mention, racist: At one point she says, “big sassy black women in church dresses are my favorite thing in the world” adding that she’s “selfish” and wants to “keep them around.” The video, with over 19 million views on Facebook, was even temporarily pulled off YouTube but has since been reinstated.

Arbour, who says 35% of Americans are obese, drops stupid and offensive lines the likes of:

  • “Fat shaming is not a thing. Fat people made that up. That’s the race card with no race.”

  • “If we offend you so much that you lose weight, I’m okay with that.”

  • She mocks hashtags like “body positive.” “If you want to be positive to your body, work out, eat well. That’s being positive!”

  • “They forgot to tell you that plus size stands for plus heart disease, plus knee problems, plus diabetes.” Even though, you know, those diseases aren’t “plus size exclusive.”

  • And the worst line, while going on a rant about a “fat family” that got to skip her in line at the airport, is when she describes them saying, “Crisco was coming out of their pores like a Play-Doh fun factory.”

But hey! She was just kidding! She’s most definitely “not an asshole” and her vid is totally okay because some fat people thought it was funny, and even better, they are actually going to lose weight now.

Arbour told Buzzfeed,

“This was only an issue because this particular group wants to be immune to satire, while laughing at everyone else. We all need to relax, laugh at everyone, and learn to turn off something we don’t like, not try and wipe its existence.“

People totally need to listen to Jerry Seinfeld and stop being politically correct.

[via Mashable]

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