10 best double pushchairs

Room for two? Keep your little duo happy in our best buy double pushchairs (Joie)
Room for two? Keep your little duo happy in our best buy double pushchairs (Joie)

These days, there’s a lot more choice when it comes to double pushchairs. Forget the unwieldy two-seaters of yesteryear that didn’t fit through shop doorways – double pushchairs have changed, so now you can find one that suits your lifestyle and family needs to a tee.

There are three different types of double buggy. Twin strollers have two seats side by side, which both face forwards. They’re a good option for twins or children of a similar age, as both children get the same view and can interact with each other easily.

The downside is that you can’t usually change the seat position to have your child facing you. If that’s an important feature to you, go for a tandem or convertible instead.

A tandem has two seats positioned one behind the other. They’re usually no wider than a standard single pushchair, so this is a practical choice if you’re going to be navigating crowded pavements or narrow shop aisles. A tandem offers less opportunity for sibling interaction than a traditional twin pushchair – but this can also mean fewer squabbles.

Finally, convertibles are single pushchairs that offer the option to add a second seat. The advantage of this is that you can remove one of the seats once the older child no longer needs a pushchair, converting it back to a single pushchair.

We tested these models on different types of terrain, from shop floors to rocky coastal paths – focusing on versatility, functionality, and, most important of all, how smooth the ride was.

You can trust our independent reviews. We may earn commission from some of the retailers, but we never allow this to influence selections, which are formed from real-world testing and expert advice. This revenue helps us to fund journalism across The Independent.

Bugaboo Donkey² Twin: £1,490, Bugaboo

Designed for twins and suitable from birth all the way through to toddlerhood – this stylish double pushchair has a surprisingly small turning circle and front swivel wheels, so it’s really easy to manoeuvre even on a busy street or around narrow shop aisles.

The seats are reversible so you can choose whether or not your little ones face you, and even have your children facing each other, which tandems don’t allow. The footbrake is flip-flop-friendly too – hurrah!

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Hauck Duett 2: £274.99, Amazon

This versatile double pushchair is ideal if you’re expecting a baby but already have a little one who still needs a pushchair.

It comes with a carrycot that converts into a reversible sports seat, so you don’t need to find space to store a bulky carrycot once your baby has outgrown it.

It has a removable second seat, or you can attach a Hauck car seat. It’s surprisingly light and manoeuvrable, even over rough terrain, and the suspension helps keeps wobbly cheeks to a minimum.

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My Babiie MB22 Black Stars Twin Stroller: £199.99, My Babiie

This is a stylish, lightweight double pushchair that’s suitable for twins or two children of different ages.

It’s suitable from birth, thanks to seats that recline fully flat. Adjustable footrests offer extra comfort for tired legs, and the extendable hood gives impressive coverage and protection from wind and sun.

It copes well with rough terrain but comes into its own on shiny shop floors. We felt like we were gliding along – which is no mean feat with two tots on board.

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Joie Evalite Duo: £249.99, Very

Designed to carry a baby and toddler, this is notably lighter than many double pushchairs – but it feels quite long and robust.

It’s a dream to fold, and it’s even possible to do so with one hand while holding your baby in your other arm, so it’s a practical option for travelling or taking on holiday.

The basket is impressively generous – just the ticket given the amount of stuff you need to carry with you for two children.

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Nuna Demi Grow: £600, Mothercare

This is Nuna’s first double pushchair and they’ve thought of everything. It offers a seemingly endless range of configurations depending on your needs, so you can arrange the seats to suit your children as they grow.

The carrycot is suitable for overnight sleeping, and the chassis boasts huge wheels and terrific suspension, meaning you can push this with ease over all types of terrain. But do note that you’ll need a pretty large car boot to transport it.

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Babystyle Hybrid Tandem: £678, Baby Nest

A single pushchair that converts easily to a double and back again, this can take two seat units, two carrycots, two car seats or any combination of these, so it’s about as versatile as a convertible pushchair gets.

There are lots of compatible car seat options to choose from. Both pushchair seats can recline fully at the same time while leaving plenty of space between them – perfect for ensuring your toddler doesn’t feel outshone by a new arrival.

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Britax Holiday Double: £199.99, Very

If you’ve already invested in a decent double pushchair but don’t fancy lugging it on holiday with you, this is the perfect travel option for transporting twins or siblings aged six months or older.

It’s freestanding and seriously compact when folded, with mesh panels in the seats to keep little ones cool in hot weather. The backrests recline independently so you don’t need to worry about syncing nap time.

We weren’t sure about the carrying strap, but it’s an ingenious design feature.

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Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double: £649.99, John Lewis

All-terrain wheels and front suspension mean this double stroller handles nipping around town as well it does trekking up hill and down dale.

The seats recline almost flat so naps on the go are as comfy as can be, while the SPF 50+ hood with peek-a-boo windows mean you can easily keep an eye on your occupants, even though they’re not facing you.

A compatible carrycot is available and the chassis can take two carrycots at once for twins.

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Cosatto Supa Dupa Double Stroller Dinomee & Mo: £349.95, Boots

A proper head-turner in the design stakes, this lightweight double stroller will earn you plenty of admiring glances.

It features two side-by-side seats that recline independently and are suitable from birth, so it’s an option for twins or siblings.

This also has an adjustable handle – great news if you and your partner aren’t evenly matched in the height department.

It even has a multimedia gadget display pocket with in-built speaker, so you can treat your passengers to music or movies on the go.

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Out N About Little Nipper Double: £339, Precious Little One

With front and rear suspension and puncture-proof, lockable 360-degree swivel front wheels this sporty side-by-side double pushchair is just the ticket for going off the beaten track with your babies.

It’s suitable from birth, thanks to multi-position reclining seats that can lie flat, and you can attach one or two carrycots to the chassis.

The height-adjustable handle and lightweight chassis make this remarkably easy to steer, even on unforgiving terrain.

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The Verdict: Best double pushchairs

If money is no object, the Bugaboo Donkey² Twin is the ultimate double pushchair. It ticks every box – it’s stylish, practical, well designed and built to last.

A more affordable option that still offers good functionality is the Babystyle Hybrid Tandem, but if you’re shopping on a budget and want maximum bang for your buck, the My Babiie MB22 Black Stars Twin Stroller is unbeatable value for money.

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