The 10 Best Financial Podcasts for Parents

Financial jargon can make even the smartest person hide from checking their portfolio. And it makes sense: Understanding money, from saving to investing, does not come naturally to everyone. Luckily for us, there are experts aplenty who hop on podcasts and talk every week, sometimes more often, to share insights, tips, and up-to-date money advice in ways that we can all understand.

From how to reach financial independence to whether federal student loan forgiveness is really a possibility, learning how to navigate the world of personal finance can be done while you are washing the dishes each night at home.

An image of a woman wearing headphones.
An image of a woman wearing headphones.

Getty Images.

As parents, many of us constantly worry about our ability to retire, what investments we should make, and how to budget to make sure we hit financial goals for our families. If this sounds like you, you are not alone. The podcasts below share stories from plenty of people who have completely turned their money lives around—individuals and families who show us that it is possible, no matter what stage of financial literacy we are currently in.

Here are some of the best financial podcasts for parents, about all stages of personal finance.

"So Money" with Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh Torabi is an award-winning financial correspondent whose podcast contains candid conversations aimed at achieving a richer and happier life. While Torabi has the standard interview episodes with financial experts, it's the "Ask Farnoosh" sessions that any parent can relate to. In these episodes, Torabi answers questions about whether or not to sell a house, splitting bills when spouses make different salaries, and how to catch up on retirement savings.

"Journey to Launch"

Jamilly Souffrant has been chronicling her journey to financial independence, or FI (the ability to pay one's living expenses for the rest of their life without employment), from initially saving $85,000 in one year to quitting her full-time job in 2018.

Now, she's teaching others how to get to FI on their own journeys. Each week she interviews a guest who has either reached FI or is on the path and details exactly what they are doing to pay down debt, increase income, and all of the steps and missteps in between.

"Her Money" with Jean Chatzky

The topic of money can come with a lot of baggage, especially for women. All of our stories are different, and Jean Chatzky is using her platform to introduce so many women to the concept of thinking about money in a healthy way. Her Money explores practical topics such as retiring early and buying investment properties, as well as more theoretical topics such as finding success without losing yourself and what it means to take financial risks.

"The His & Her Money Show"

This podcast offers solid financial advice for couples looking to work together towards paying off debt, increasing credit scores, and talking to kids about money. Talaat and Tai McNeely are filling in the gap by interviewing people each week to talk about how to reach financial success while maintaining healthy relationships.

"Frugal Friends"

The words "frugal" and "fun" aren't often found in the same sentence, but Jen Smith and Jill Sirianni are on a mission to normalize frugality. They believe that frugality does not equal being cheap; rather, it's one way to reach your financial goals. Both women have paid off thousands of dollars of debt and share their strategies and simplify complex financial terms for their audience.

"Money Confidential"

Money Confidential is a podcast that dives into all aspects of money with expert Stefanie O'Connell Rodriguez. Each week, O'Connell Rodriguez answers some super common and everyday questions about personal finance situations, such as whether renting is a good idea or how to lessen the stress of mixing money and family. This show breaks down the topics you might be debating over your dinner table.

"Afford Anything"

Families with big financial goals often need a roadmap to get to their destination. Paula Pant believes that mastering your money will make those goals easier to obtain when you're debt-free and able to invest. Pant teaches that you can afford anything, just not everything. When you account for every dollar that comes into your family, you can build a better life.

"The Inspired Budget"

Allison Baggerly works with women to write budgets that they can commit to. Every family needs a budget; the difficulty is sticking to it. Allison teaches her audience how to organize and how to write a budget. Next, she teaches how to use those principles to reach financial independence.

"Marriage Kids and Money" Podcast

Marriage Kids and Money is a financial podcast made specifically for families. This podcast, hosted by Andy Hill, covers topics that most parents need—such as how to pay off your house early and how to teach your children about money principles. Even young families can start on a path to build wealth, and this podcast teaches you how.

"Millionaires Unveiled"

Millionaires Unveiled is not the typical personal finance podcast. Listening to these "everyday millionaires" and near-millionaires share what they did to increase their net worth provides inspiration for families who may want to reach this financial milestone. With a mix of inspiration and practical advice, Clark and Jace talk to different types of millionaires to give listeners insight into the "millionaire mindset."