10 Creative Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy

You are giddy with joy and are completely overwhelmed. Curious mixtures of emotions are rushing through your head, from happiness to tranquillity. Yes, you are officially pregnant! But have you thought of how you will break this news to your hubby? If not, then here are some simple ideas to break the news to him with a slight dramatic flair.

Go shopping

Ask your husband to take you out for shopping, but instead of going to your favourite shop, head to the children’s store instead and start picking out clothes for toddlers. If your husband asks you who are you shopping for, simply reply “For our baby”.

Happy Father’s Day

If you can control your excitement for a day, then instead of just blurting out the news, send him a card wishing him “Happy Father’s Day”.

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Say it with a sweet touch

Take a bowl and a permanent marker and simply write the words, “We are having a baby”. Fill the bowl with ice cream and wait for him to finish eating it.

Get him puzzled

You can create your own crossword with clues such as 9 months, regular visit to the gynaecologist, first trimester, parents and so on. It might take him a while to link all these words together, but when he does you can rest assured that he would be delighted.

If crosswords are not your thing, then cheat a little in Scrabble. Keep aside a few chips and when your turn comes, simply spell out ‘Pregnant’. Wait for his reaction!

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Serve food for three

While setting up the dining table, set up an extra plate. Tell your husband that you are expecting a guest. When no ‘guest’ arrives and your husband asks who is coming and when, put his hand on your belly and say “In 9 months’ time”.

Buy him a gift

Go to a gift shop and buy a miniature trophy proclaiming “World’s Best Daddy”. Give it to your husband when he returns home.

Go for a picnic

Plan a picnic with your husband but instead of carrying a picnic basket, take along a mini hamper filled with a rattle, a couple of diapers, baby food and milk bottle and gift it to him.

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Become a news presenter

Shoot a small video in a news anchor style. Start off sombrely saying that you will have to now start making room for someone else in the monthly budget and list out the things you will have to buy in the coming months including a crib, toys and clothes. Wait for your husband to return home, and cherish his priceless reaction after sees the video.

Wear a t-shirt

Wear a T-shirt proclaiming “Mom to be”. Do not draw attention to it and act normally. Wait for your husband to notice the words and take in the big news.

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A proposal

Your husband planned a perfect setting to propose you for marriage, now it is your chance to surprise him. Set up a beautiful candle light dinner, go down on your knees and ask your husband, “Do you promise to be the best father a child can have?” He will be ecstatic.

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful things to happen to you as a couple and if you cannot control the excitement, then go ahead and tell him in any way you are comfortable. These are just a few ideas; you can always add your own personal touch to it.