10 early signs of Alzheimer's disease to note during Brain Awareness Month | Mark Mahoney

As we move toward summer we should not forget those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease (as well as other forms of dementia). Each June, Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month is recognized as a time to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

An estimated 6.7 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer's in 2023. Seventy-three percent are age 75 or older. About 1 in 9 people age 65 and older (10.7%) has Alzheimer's. Almost two-thirds of Americans with Alzheimer's are women.

Participants in the Walk to End Alzheimer's at Cascades Park on Nov. 12, 2022.
Participants in the Walk to End Alzheimer's at Cascades Park on Nov. 12, 2022.

Age 65 and older

According to the U.S. Census Bureau over 50 million senior citizens live in the U.S. making up 16.5% of the total population. Florida has the distinction of having the highest percentage of senior citizens at 21% (one in five). The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 32.5 percent of Florida's population will be 60 and older by the year 2030, (almost one in three) an increase of 34 percent from 2012.

Staying active: Top reasons to try for 150 minutes of activity a week | Mark Mahoney

10 early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s

A brief explanation follows each sign/symptom noted below and a worksheet is available to assist.

1) Memory loss that disrupts daily life

One of the most common signs of Alzheimer’s disease, especially in the early stage, is forgetting recently learned information. Others include forgetting important dates or events, asking the same questions over and over, and increasingly needing to rely on memory aids (e.g., reminder notes or electronic devices) or family members for things they used to handle on their own.

A typical age-related change: Sometimes forgetting names or appointments, but remembering them later.

2) Challenges in planning or solving problems

Some people living with dementia may experience changes in their ability to develop and follow a plan or work with numbers.

A typical age-related change: Making occasional errors when managing finances or household bills

3) Difficulty in completing familiar tasks

People with Alzheimer's often find it hard to complete daily tasks. Sometimes they may have trouble driving to a familiar location, organizing a grocery list or remembering the rules of a favorite game.

A typical age-related change: Occasionally needing help to use microwave settings or to record a TV show.

4) Confusion with time or place

People living with Alzheimer's can lose track of dates, seasons and the passage of time. Sometimes they may forget where they are or how they got there.

A typical age-related change: Getting confused about the day of the week but figuring it out later.

5) Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships

For some people, having vision problems is a sign of Alzheimer's. This may lead to difficulty with balance or trouble reading. They may also have problems judging distance and determining color or contrast, causing issues with driving.

A typical age-related change: Vision changes related to cataracts.

6) New problems with words or speaking

People living with Alzheimer's may have trouble following or joining a conversation. They may struggle with vocabulary.

A typical age-related change: Sometimes having trouble finding the right word.

7) Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace their steps

A person living with Alzheimer's disease may put things in unusual places. They may lose things and be unable to go back over their steps to find them again. He or she may accuse others of stealing, especially as the disease progresses.

A typical age-related change: Misplacing things from time to time and retracing steps to find them

8) Decreased or poor judgment

Individuals may experience changes in judgment or decision-making. For example, they may use poor judgment when dealing with money or pay less attention to grooming or keeping themselves clean.

A typical age-related change: Making a bad decision or mistake once in a while, like neglecting to change the oil in the car.

9) Withdrawal from work or social activities

A person living with Alzheimer’s disease may experience changes in the ability to hold or follow a conversation. As a result, he or she may withdraw from hobbies, social activities or other engagements.

A typical age-related change: Sometimes feeling uninterested in family or social obligations.

10) Changes in mood or personality

Individuals living with Alzheimer’s may experience mood and personality changes. They can become confused, suspicious, depressed, fearful or anxious. They may be easily upset at home, with friends or when out of their comfort zone.

A typical age-related change: Developing very specific ways of doing things and becoming irritable when a routine is disrupted.

If you notice any of these signs, take action. Check out the worksheet on “10 Warning signs of of Alzheimer’s” at alz.org.

Get checked. Early detection matters

If you notice one or more signs in yourself or another person, it can be difficult to know what to do. These are significant health concerns that should be evaluated by a qualified health professional, and it’s important to take action to figure out what’s going on.

Local resources

Alzheimer's Association Central and North Florida Chapter: Education and support to all those facing Alzheimer’s and other dementias throughout our community, including those living with the disease, caregivers, health care professionals and families. We are also committed to advocating for the needs and rights of those facing Alzheimer’s disease and advancing critical research toward methods of treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure. Visit alz.org/cnfl.

Alzheimer’s Project, Inc.: The Alzheimer’s Project provides comfort support and assistance to persons with memory disorders and their caregivers across the Big Bend are. Visit alzheimersproject.org

Additional resources

A good resource from the National Institute on Aging on “What We Know About Diet and the Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease” is available at nia.nih.gov.

Check out the following Alzheimer’s Association’s special report, “2023 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figure” at alz.org.

Check out the recent report by the Mayo Clinic looking toward future research into Alzheimer’s Disease at: “Alzheimer's treatments: What's on the horizon?” at mayoclinic.org.

Mark Mahoney
Mark Mahoney

Mark Mahoney has been a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist for over 35 years. He can be reached at marqos69@hotmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Early signs of Alzheimer's that merit getting checked out