10 'RuPaul's Drag Race' Memes That Belong In The Hall of Fame

Aja; Vanessa Vanjie Mateo; Laganja Estranja
Aja; Vanessa Vanjie Mateo; Laganja Estranja

Mama, these memes are queer culture!

Aja; Vanessa Vanjie Mateo; Laganja Estranja
Aja; Vanessa Vanjie Mateo; Laganja Estranja

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There’s no way around it: RuPaul’s Drag Race is a mainstream juggernaut that has unleashed multiple LGBTQ+ superstars into the wild. Along with them, we’ve come to experience the jokes, storylines, catchphrases, lip sync moments, original songs, and memes featured on the show!

With 15 seasons, eight All Stars, and multiple international adaptations, there are countless Drag Race memes for us to think back on, laugh with, and re-share among friends. So, let’s start with some of the most popular memes in the flagship series that have already gone down in herstory!

Also, is it just us or would this make a fierce cast of All Stars? Call us World of Wonder.

Scroll through to see the 10 RuPaul’s Drag Race memes that we’d add to the Hall of Fame!

“I feel very attacked!”

Laganja Estranja
Laganja Estranja

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We’ve all been there: feeling very attacked by a person (or group of people) during a time in your life when you felt particularly vulnerable. Thankfully, Laganja Estranja has grown a lot since her time in season six, but her “I feel very attacked!” moment in Untucked is still a legendary meme from Drag Race.

“This isn’t RuPaul’s Best Friend Race!”

Lashauwn Beyond
Lashauwn Beyond

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We can safely bet that Lashauwn Beyond wasn’t expecting that her candid comment, “This isn’t RuPaul’s Best Friend Race,” would become such a massively popular Drag Race meme for years to come. Even 15 laters, queens and fans are still referencing this meme. The staying power is real!

"Not today, Satan. Not today."

Bianca Del Rio
Bianca Del Rio

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Another piece of Relatable Content in the form of Drag Race meme is Bianca Del Rio’s infamous “Not today, Satan. Not today.” We’ve all been through moments in life when this GIF and meme represented the exact emotion that we felt, and we are so happy to keep re-sharing it until the end of time.

“The shade. The shade of it all!”

Latrice Royale
Latrice Royale

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Latrice Royale came in hot as she delivered “The shade. The shade of it all!” in the very first episode of Drag Race season four. We knew it from the jump that this would be a beloved queen we’d trust and follow for years, and that is exactly how herstory played out!

“Miss Vanjie”

Vanessa Vanjie Mateo
Vanessa Vanjie Mateo


We all remember where we were when Vanessa Vanjie Mateo was told to sashay away at the grand premiere of Drag Race season 10 and she broke the mold by becoming the supreme meme queen with her exit line: “Miss Vanjie… Miss Vanjie… Miss… Vanjie…” The branding on this one is *chef's kiss*,

“I'm not joking, b*tch!”

Coco Montrese
Coco Montrese

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​Tensions were high – VERY high – between Coco Montrese and Alyssa Edwards throughout season five of ​Drag Race​. While these two had several moments of confrontation, as well as moments of coming together, one definitely stands out: Alyssa making fun of Coco for looking too orange with her makeup, then saying that she was joking, and Coco’s response being “I’m not joking, b*tch!”

“You’re perfect, you’re beautiful, you look like Linda Evangelista. You’re a model!”



There’s no denying that the other queens were plucked and pressed by Valentina getting so much praise from the judges on Drag Race season nine. Even though this sentiment was expressed at different points in the season, Aja’s Untucked rant reigned supreme: “You’re perfect, you’re beautiful, you look like Linda Evangelista. You’re a model!”

“I can’t wait to see how this turns out.”


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​Mama Ru is regularly hilarious on ​Drag Race​, and has given us so many memes that it’s honestly hard to keep a solid count on them. Nonetheless, a meme that regularly makes the rounds on social media comes from season five, when Ru said “I can’t wait to see how this turns out.”

“No shade, facts are facts.”

Mo Heart
Mo Heart


Mo Heart – then known as Monique Heart – introduced “Facts are facts” not only to the Drag Race lexicon, but to mainstream pop culture. Since this meme went viral online, we’ve seen lots and lots of politicians and reality TV stars using it in different contexts. No alternative facts here... no, ma’am!

“Because I am what? SICKENING!”


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Shangela really snapped in this Untucked after she was confronted by Mimi Imfurst about having a “sugar daddy” who was paying for all of her drag. But that speech would go on to make Drag Race herstory and become one of the most-shared memes in the franchise.

Honorable Mention: “And I oop–”

Jasmine Masters
Jasmine Masters

Even though “And I oop–“ didn’t come from an actual episode of Drag Race, season seven and All Stars 4 superstar Jasmine Masters has been going viral with this meme for several years now. In fact, it’s not just one of the most popular memes in Drag Race herstory… it’s one of the most popular memes in the entire world, point blank period!