10 Strategies from Super-Saver Shoppers

Save money at home and beyond.

For some people, saving money comes as naturally as putting on their shoes or brushing their hair: They've incorporated it as a basic part of their daily routine. Our super savers at the U.S. News blog The Frugal Shopper fall into that category. They know how to squeeze out savings at the grocery store, on utilities and everywhere else. Bloggers Joshua Rodriguez, Larry Bills, Laura Harders, John Schmoll, Stefanie O'Connell and Lisa Koivu contributed to the following list of 10 action items that will help cut your costs.

Grow your own produce.

Produce prices have gone up exponentially in recent years. That's why growing your own garden can help cut your weekly grocery costs. Start with a trip to your local home and garden store, and select seedlings of plants you'd like to grow. For just the cost of seeds and some time, you'll soon be able to consume your homegrown vegetables.

Take care of your ventilation systems.

You should treat your home's heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system just like a car -- routine maintenance will keep it in tip-top shape and reduce the risk of a calamitous breakdown. Find a local HVAC service company you trust, and sign up for standing service calls twice a year -- once in late spring right before the mercury climbs and again in late fall just before winter. You're more likely to receive a discount by signing a long-term service agreement.

Install a programmable thermostat.

Installing a programmable thermostat can save the average homeowner as much as $180 a year if used correctly, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Digital thermostats are relatively cheap and easy to install, and you'd be amazed by the difference they can make. Instead of leaving your air conditioning running at the same temperature all day while you're at work, you can program it to automatically kick into a higher setting after you leave for the day and then lower again before you get home.

Make your own cleaning products.

Try your hand at DIY cleaner recipes. Pantry staples such as vinegar, baking soda, cornstarch and fresh lemons can be used to make effective and nonabrasive cleaners. Simply conduct an online search for "homemade cleaners," and you will find a plethora of recipes. An added benefit of making your own cleaners is that you control exactly what ingredients and chemicals go into it.

Use the products you already have at home.

Commonly used in food recipes, white distilled vinegar also has many other purposes in and around your home. For the garden, you can kill weeds by pouring vinegar on them, and you can also keep your hydrangeas and gardenias growing nicely by watering them with one cup vinegar mixed with one gallon of water. In the home, it is your miracle cleaner and probably the safest option. It removes stains, takes away bad odors and cuts down on the grime on your refrigerator.

Shop online outlets.

Amazon Outlet is one of many online outlets, which are a great way to save. At the Amazon Outlet, you'll find markdowns, closeouts and overstock deals on everything from clothing for the whole family to housewares to electronics and jewelry. Online outlet stores are becoming increasingly popular, which is great news for online shoppers since online outlet stores offer a fantastic way to get the best brands for prices well below retail.

Take advantage of apps.

Your phone and the apps on it can save you a lot of money. GasBuddy can help you find the lowest price gas in your area, RetailMeNot helps you track coupons and Out to Eat with Kids lets you find nearby family-friendly restaurants. It will show where to find promotions like "Kids eat free!" and more.

Save at the movies.

With the average ticket price over $8, it can be difficult to find room in the budget to go to the movies. If you have a family of four, the trip can easily add up to $40 or $50, even if you don't include buying pricey theater snacks. If that cost is not an option for you, you can consider a frugal alternative, including going to the local dollar theater to see a late-release film, watching a movie through an online streaming service like Netflix or renting a movie at the library.

Use daily deals.

Daily deal sites infuse frugality into your entertainment choices, as long as you watch the deals and only buy ones as your budget allows. Deal sites are especially fond of offering two-for-one specials or a cheaper admittance to a venue. Don't overlook your local newspaper, as many have their own form of daily deals. If you choose this option, just make sure you don't allow the deal to get the best of you and spend more than you otherwise would.

Give cheaper gifts.

You can give gifts under $10 without looking cheap, especially if you use some creativity. Consider magazine subscriptions, a Netflix or Hulu Plus membership, planted herbs or lottery tickets. Your recipient might not win a huge prize, but it's always fun to check the numbers and hope for the best, especially if you didn't buy the ticket yourself.