11-Year-Old Schoolgirl Breaks Up With Boyfriend In The Most Epic Way

Breaking up with someone who cheated on you is always hard but this 11-year-old schoolgirl threw some serious shade at her former boyfriend.

The elementary school pupil from Texas, USA, sent the love cheat a series of texts and finished them with one epic sign off.

After telling him that she gave him two warnings about his ways in the past, she then tells him to not talk to her in middle school and that she never loved him.

The with all the sass of a wronged woman, she tells him: “Ding ding ding. Oh what was that? Oh yeah, the elevator ‘cause you’re not on my level.”

Talk about blunt - how could her former flame come back from that?

The texts were revealed by tweeter Mad Nickens, who posted screenshots of the conversation on her Twitter page.

Her tweet has now made her sister an overnight sensation as it has been retweeted nearly 7,000 times and favourited 11,000 times since it was posted two days ago.

Ding ding ding is now THE way to dump someone who wrongs you.

Future boyfriends watch out! Do NOT cheat on this girl.