A 12-year-old boy reeled in a great white shark off Fort Lauderdale. What happened next

Talk about a great catch.

A 12-year-old boy on a South Florida fishing trip Tuesday morning was hoping to catch something — but he didn’t expect to pull in a great white shark.

Campbell Keenan and his mother, Colleen, vising from Massachusetts, were in a small charter fishing boat about a mile off the coast of Fort Lauderdale when the boy put tuna on his fishing hook.

Campbell soon felt a tug on the line and ended up wrestling with the shark for about 45 minutes before he was able to pull it in with an assist from others on the boat.

“You guys got a giant great white!” one of the crew members said. “This is like the most sought after fish in the ocean.”

Despite what the crew called “a no-brainer for hanging on the wall,” Campbell and his mom decided to have the fish tagged and returned to the Atlantic Ocean..

Great white sharks, according to experts, are like snowbirds, migrating to the warmer waters off the Florida coast to escape colder waters up north.

Ocearch, a nonprofit marine research foundation, is tracking shark activity online, and sending that data to researchers in an effort to study shark migrating habits. According to Phys.org, tracking data from several sharks have been recorded in the waters off Florida’s coastline.

This report is from Miami Herald news partner CBS Miami.