13 Artists Cover Eagles of Death Metal Tune to Support Paris Attack Victims

13 Artists Cover Eagles of Death Metal Tune to Support Paris Attack Victims

After a November terrorist attack of their concert at the Bataclan in Paris left 89 dead and 200 injured, the members of California-based rock band Eagles of Death Metal knew they wanted to support those affected. The group decided to raise money in the best way they know how: through music.

On Friday, the band released a playlist of 13 bands covering their song “I Love You All the Time” as part of its “Play It Forward” campaign.

From the muddy jams of My Morning Jacket, to the minimalist stylings of Imagine Dragons and the soaring vocals of Florence + The Machine, each of the 13 artists put their own spin on the tune in hopes of supporting the band’s initiative.

“I made a plea to artists and businesspeople alike to come together to use our solidarity as proof that we are stronger together, and that we can make a difference,” Josh Homme, cofounder of Eagles of Death Metal, said in a statement obtained by Billboard. “We are proud to be a little part of such a big group of talent and goodwill. We can’t thank these artists enough for their donations of talent, love, time, and compassion.”

For every cover sold, the band is donating 100 percent of the proceeds to the Sweet Stuff Foundation. Through the end of the year, the foundation is sending all of its donations to the victims of the Paris attacks, including the family of Nick Alexander, an Eagles of Death Metal crew member who was killed in the attack.

The band has also encouraged the artists to donate their proceeds from the covers or choose a song of their own for fellow artists to cover and donate the publishing money. But in order for Eagles of Death Metal’s effort to be successful, fans need to go out and buy physical copies or digitally stream the covers.

“Now the Play It Forward campaign is in the hands of the fans to help us make a difference, and to help those affected by this tragedy,” said Homme. “Please listen, purchase, play, and enjoy—and know that every time you do, you’re doing the sweet stuff that makes that difference."

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Original article from TakePart