15 Minutes With … Dr. Doug Whitehead of Proactive MD

Dr. Doug Whitehead has been a primary care physician for most of his more than 30 years in medicine.

After medical school at MUSC in Charleston and residency with the Greenville Hospital System (now Prisma Health), he was a founding partner of Greer Family Medicine. In 2019, after nearly 25 years at the practice, he joined Simpsonville-based Proactive MD.

At Proactive MD, Whitehead has cared for patients at the company’s Spartanburg Health Center and is currently at the company’s new Greenville Health Center, which opened in January on Villa Road.

John Collier, CEO of Proactive MD, founded the company in 2016 to be a catalyst for change in the way healthcare is provided — returning the focus to advanced primary care, and the patient.

Dr. Doug Whitehead, Proactive MD in Greenville SC
Dr. Doug Whitehead, Proactive MD in Greenville SC

Proactive MD partners with private and public employers to provide their people with high quality care at a conveniently located, dedicated Health Center — often on-site for larger companies. The result is better patient outcomes and healthier, more productive workers at a lower cost than traditional healthcare plans.

The company is growing rapidly and operates in 17 states and has more than 70 health care centers, including 11 in the South Carolina.

It’s a model that Whitehead says is the culmination of what he’s spent his career trying to provide.

“We are only and always about the patient,” he says. “We promise to fight for their greatest good.”

Whitehead lives in Greenville with his wife and family.

TALK GREENVILLE: Thanks for taking the time. Talk a little bit about your journey to becoming a physician. Why did you want to be a doctor? 

DR. DOUG WHITEHEAD: I’ve always been fascinated by people and science. Not only do I find joy in improving people’s well-being, but I also enjoy hearing people’s stories — what makes them tick, what limits them, where they came from, and how they got to where they are, etc. Especially when it meets their health needs.

TG: What gives you the most job satisfaction? 

DW: Connecting with my patients. It’s rewarding to see patients enlightened when we discover the source of their health issues and for me to be able to provide them with a solution that is going to drive them back on the path to health.

TG: Is that what you expected when you first got out of medical school?

DW: Not necessarily. Medicine has transformed significantly over the years, becoming more sophisticated and complex. When I first graduated from medical school, medicine was like a one-way street, where the provider came up with the solution that was right for the patient, period. Now, medicine is more of a two-way street, where you can practice medicine while connecting with patients on a deeper level to find the right answers to their health problems together. It’s interesting now to see how people’s stories, and where they come from, can affect their health issues today.

TG: You spent a long time working in a more traditional model of providing health care. What are some of the limitations and challenges that presents? 

DW: Traditional models incentivize volume, often at the expense of value. Volume-driven models can lead providers to lose sight of a patient’s greatest good and instead focus on the health system, insurance plan, or a hospital’s bottom line. This leaves the patient feeling like a cog in a referral machine without a true medical home.

TG: In an interview with The Greenville News, your CEO, John Collier said straight-up that the current health care system is broken. What’s the most broken part?

DW: The referral engine. When there is no healthcare provider to take ownership of the patient’s total health journey, the patient often faces months-long waiting periods to see a referred specialist, who may or may not be able to solve the problem. They pass him or her to the next specialist, which creates a frustrating cycle—and more expenses for employer-sponsored health plans.

TG: How does Proactive MD’s advanced primary care concept address those issues? 

DW: We put the patient first. We offer employers a personalized approach to care for their patient populations, focusing on quality and reducing costs. We’re able to tackle some of the systemic healthcare problems as well as unique employer healthcare concerns. We do this by prioritizing the provider and patient relationship with longer appointment times and easily accessible appointments.

We create a medical home for patients that offers broad-scope care and actively maintains connections with patients throughout their care journey. We also have patient advocates on our staff, to meet patients where they are and provide resources, outreach and support.

TG: What’s the biggest advantage of the model? 

DW: Patient experience. We always look for ways to optimize every single care touchpoint. For example, our patients have no wait times. We bring our patients directly to the provider. We schedule longer appointments to allow plenty of time for the patient to ask questions. Our Patient Advocates drive the referral process -- what we call continuum of care -- which removes the burden from the patient and streamlines the process. That also reduces costs for the employer.

TG: Are there lessons that more traditional providers can or should take from this concept? In other words, this is great if you work for a Proactive MD client company or municipality, but what about folks who don’t?

DW: The main takeaway I’d share, whether you are a traditional provider, employer or individual: There is an alternative model of care that puts the patient first. Yes, the healthcare system is complex and there are many players, but at Proactive MD we’ve found that when we lead with the goal of highest possible quality patient outcomes, the rest falls into place. And that’s usually the most cost-effective route.

TG: What’s something you wish everyone paid more attention to about their health – what would make your job easier? 

DW: There is a lot of mythology out there about how to improve your well-being, and I wish everyone would pay more attention to what actually works. It sounds simple, but good health lies within you. There are three basic things that can significantly improve your health: eat, sleep, and move. If we all ate a more balanced diet, exercised more, slept more, and paid more attention to how our daily routines can impact our future well-being, I think people would be surprised at how much this can improve our health.

From January TALK:15 Minutes With Dr. Marjorie Jenkins, Dean of USC School of Medicine Greenville

TG: What’s the biggest lesson the pandemic has taught you as a doctor? 

DW: During the pandemic, we saw more distrust in the medical community than ever before. The way people received communications throughout the pandemic I think caused a lot of skepticism and division in our communities. As providers, I think we need to recognize the importance of clear communication with our patients to retain people’s trust.

TG: What do you hope for as Proactive MD grows? 

DW: I hope that more and more people and businesses become aware that there is a different approach to care that is solving some of our biggest healthcare headaches. I would love to see a widespread paradigm shift throughout the nation and, of course, would love to see Proactive MD at the helm. As we continue to grow and offer care throughout the nation, I’m hopeful we remain focused on impacting care throughout our home base here in South Carolina. We now have four direct primary care locations in the Upstate alone, so I am excited to see what the future holds as we continue expanding to better serve more lives.

From Marketplace Greenville:Proactive MD's approach to health care promises higher quality, lower cost

TG: You’ve been working in the Greenville area for quite a while. Are you from this area? What do you think of the region’s growth? 

DW: I’m originally from Murrells Inlet. However, I’ve lived and worked all over South Carolina. I’ve been in Greenville for 33 years now and have watched it grow from a small textile town to a beautiful thriving community where people can live, work, and raise a family. I find the growth in Greenville to be exciting, and I look forward to seeing how it will continue to transform for years to come.

TG: What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not working? 

DW:  You can find me traveling or hiking through all the wonderful spaces around Greenville and Western North Carolina. I also enjoy golfing in my free time and spending time with my 2-year-old granddaughter.

TG: The area has developed varied and rich dining scene and food culture. Does that make your job easier or harder? 

DW: I’m not sure if it necessarily makes the job easier or harder, but it certainly makes my life better! I’ve really enjoyed trying new restaurants in Greenville and think our city’s diverse culinary scene can be healthy overall. Exploring different restaurants and cuisines is a great way to inspire people to go home and discover their own recipes.

This article originally appeared on Greenville News: 15 Minutes With … Dr. Doug Whitehead of Proactive MD