19 "I Never Noticed This" Photos That Are Going To Blow Your Mind If You Grew Up In The '90s Or '00s

As time passes by, products we grow used to seeing might change their aesthetic along the way, and sometimes we don't even realize it.


1.For example, remember the yellow, orange, and purple wrappers that Taco Bell used to come in?

Taco Bell food in colored wrappers

Here's what Taco Bell wrappers look like nowadays.

white wrappers

2.Don't forget the earlier look for Taco Bell's hot sauce packets.

white packet with red box

Here's how the Taco Bell hot sauce packets look now.

colored packets
Joshua Blanchard / Getty

3.Kit Kat bars used to come in a foil wrapping (that people, myself included, swear they tasted better in).

Kit Kat bar

Here's how Kit Kat bars look now.

newer, sleek packaging

4.These are the various designs that cans of Cherry Coke used to have.

old Cherry Coke

And here's how Cherry Coke cans look now.

Cherry Coke can that's a solid color

5.This is the old McDonald's packaging used in the '90s.

old McDonald's food

And here's what McDonald's packaging looks like right now.

newer branding on McDonald's food
Joe Raedle / Getty Images

6.This is the old packet McDonald's apple pies used to come in.

cardboard boxes for apple pie

And here's the current look for apple pies.


7.Nutri-Grain bars used to come in a shimmering colored wrapper.

blue shimmery wrapper

Here's what Nutri-Grain bars look like now.

matte-colored wrapper

8.VO5 shampoo bottles used to come in this bottle with a gold/tan cap.

bottle with gold cap

Here's what VO5 bottles look like now.

VO5 bottles with silver tops

9.Corn Pops used to come in a sort of thick, foil package.

foil packaging in a Corn Pops box

Here's what the box looks like now — quite similar, but the inside packaging is just ordinary clear plastic.

yellow Corn Pops box

10.Nestle Crunch bars used to come in shiny foil too.

Shiny foil inside Crunch bar wrapper

Here's how crunch bars look now.

Crunch bars with sleek packaging
Joe Raedle / Getty Images

11.The old Pert Plus shampoo and conditioner in one used to come in this bottle.

Green Pert Plus bottle

Here's what the Pert bottle looks like now:

Green Pert Plus bottle with a pump

12.Gushers used to come in this thick paper package.

opened package of Gushers

Here's the thin, plastic wrapper they come in now.

Gushers now

13.Propel "fitness water" used to come in a blue-tinted bottle.

Here's what Propel bottles look like now.

clear Propel bottles

14.Wendy's used to use bright yellow packaging.

Wendy's yellow packaging

Here's the current, mostly red packaging Wendy's uses now.

Wendy's red and white packaging
Jeff Schear, Jim Watson / AFP via Getty Images

15.Bottles of body splash from Bath & Body Works used to look like this.

  GaffersB / Via old.reddit.com

Here's what the bottle of mist looks like nowadays.

sleek spritz bottle
Amazon / Via amazon.com

16.Bath & Body Works also used to have popular cucumber melon scented stuff that looked like this.

Cucumber melon bottles

Here's how the packaging for cucumber melon products looks now.

sleek cucumber melon packaging

17.The old-school "Cooler Ranch" Doritos bags looked like this.

blue '90s looking bag

Here's how Cool Ranch Doritos look now.

sleek blue bag

18.The past look of Starburst candy wrappers was very plain.

Here's what Starburst look like now.

individually wrapped colorful Starburst pieces
Amazon / Via amazon.com

19.And finally, Ding Dongs used to come wrapped snugly in a lil' piece of foil.

foil-covered Ding Dongs

And here's the plastic wrapper Ding Dongs come in now.

  Amazon / Via amazon.com