2,400 more reasons not to forget the Cyber Ninjas' scam

The people behind the Cyber Ninjas’ phony “audit” of Arizona’s presidential election results are playing the long game.




And when that doesn’t work … delay some more.

Cyber Ninjas want you to forget their scam

Their only hope of having you not fully understand how blatantly dishonorable, disreputable and disastrous their $5 million taxpayer-funded scam was is to have you completely forget about it.

But, don’t.

Instead, follow the work of The Arizona Republic’s Robert Anglen and others who’ve been exposing the underhanded, unscrupulous tactics of the Ninjas and their Republican enablers in the Arizona State Senate.

Like Monday’s report on how Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan is trying to withhold the contents of as many as 2,400 texts sent and received by him and indicted Michigan lawyer Stefanie Lambert.

You may recall that last January a judge fined Logan’s company $50,000 a day for failing to turn over all communications related to the ballot review.

Logan answered to election deniers, not you

Presenters of the report on the election audit, from left, Ben Cotton, the founder of CyFIR, Doug Logan, the CEO of Cyber Ninjas and Randy Pullen, the audit spokesman, look on before the start of the presentation to the Arizona State Senate in the Senate chambers of the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix on Sept. 24, 2021.
Presenters of the report on the election audit, from left, Ben Cotton, the founder of CyFIR, Doug Logan, the CEO of Cyber Ninjas and Randy Pullen, the audit spokesman, look on before the start of the presentation to the Arizona State Senate in the Senate chambers of the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix on Sept. 24, 2021.

This after The Republic sued to get the public records. That fine is now into the millions of dollars.

When a firm is doing the public’s work, on the public’s dime, the documents related to that work are public records. The only reason to hide them is because you weren’t doing the public’s work.

Which is what happened in this case.

The Cyber Ninjas were doing the bidding of the election-denying politicians and political activists who wanted to overturn the results of the presidential election.

Logan was involved in that sordid effort prior to being hired to review Arizona’s ballots by then-Senate President Karen Fann.

And he kept it up after working, supposedly, for Arizona’s citizens.

Rudy Giuliani: May have assigned volunteer to Arizona 'audit'

The texts already show that Logan was in contact with Trump’s legal team and a number of his political lackeys, ranging from lawyer Sidney Powell to former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

AG Mayes isn't fooled by their delay

Meantime, the befuddled Logan and the rest of his gang that couldn’t shoot straight weren’t even knowledgeable or sophisticated enough to figure out what their own data was telling them.

Logan saying at one point, “Our numbers are screwy.”Everything about the Cyber Ninjas fiasco is screwy.

That’s why Logan and the people behind the scam want you to forget about it.

One person for whom that tactic isn’t working is Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes. Her office has opened an investigation into the Cyber Ninjas’ audit.

The end result of such an investigation, hopefully, will be an accurate tally of the offenses committed and an accurate count of the number of days, weeks, months or years to be spent behind bars.

Reach Montini at ed.montini@arizonarepublic.com.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Cyber Ninjas give Arizona 2,400 more reasons not to forget their scam