There are 2 spectacular events happening in the sky tonight

Photo credit: Kevin Key / Slworking - Getty Images
Photo credit: Kevin Key / Slworking - Getty Images

From Country Living

Stargazers are in for a treat tonight as two spectacular sights are set to light up the sky: the Milky Way and the Delta Aquariids meteor shower, which could see up to 20 shooting stars visible per hour.

When can we see the natural phenomenas?

Known as the Delta Aquariids, the annual meteor shower will peak on 28-29th July, but is active for an entire month, from mid-July to mid-August every year. The shower will be visible from the UK between midnight and dawn.

The best time to see the meteor shower is during the hour before dawn. At this time of year, dawn falls between 4:30am and 5am.

To ensure you get a glimpse of the meteor shower, NASA recommend lying on your back outside 30 minutes before the shower peaks to give your eyes a chance to adjust to the dark. Remember, you'll need to be in an area without light pollution.

The Delta Aquariids meteors are dust, rocks and debris from the comet 96P/Machholz which orbits the sun every five years.

The Milky Way — home to 200 billion stars — will be visible from the UK at around 11pm BST tonight.

When is the next meteor shower?

The next meteor shower is the Perseids, which will peak on 11th August.

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