2 teens killed, third injured in weekend Hampton shooting; police searching for multiple shooters

The shooting deaths of an 18-year-old and a 14-year-old and the injury of a third teen on Friday night were connected to the same incident, the Hampton Police Division confirmed Tuesday.

Investigators believe the three victims were in the same vehicle in the 200 block of Bridgeport Cove, in the Bridgeport Apartments complex, when they were approached by “multiple” individuals who began shooting at them.

“In an attempt to get help, the vehicle then left the apartment complex and drove to the Silver Isles area, knocked on doors, and then went to seek help,” Capt. Jason Price said at a Tuesday news conference. “This is a tragic and senseless incident.”

Police received “numerous” 911 calls reporting gunfire near the intersection of Nickerson Boulevard and Bridgeport Cove around 10:43 p.m.

When police responded to the first scene at the Bridgeport Apartment complex, they found the 14-year-old boy lying in the road with a gunshot wound, according to Police Chief Mark Talbot. Police declined to provide the boy’s name because he is a minor.

A short time later, the officers received a report of another shooting victim about a mile away on Silver Isles Boulevard. Officers identified that victim as 18-year-old Shaun Fauntleroy, of Newport News. Fauntleroy’s 19th birthday would’ve been on Sunday, Price said.

Both Fauntleroy and the 14-year-old, who was from Hampton, died shortly after officers found them. Police received a call several hours later from a Newport News woman reporting that her 16-year-old son had been shot. The investigation revealed this teen was also involved in the same shooting.

“These events are tragic, they’re truly heartbreaking,” Talbot said in a press conference Tuesday. “We will continue to work relentlessly to increase the level of safety in our city.”

Talbot said police have recovered multiple video recordings of the incident. Talbot declined to say how many suspects investigators are looking for, whether they have identified any suspects and declined to describe what they look like.

Bianca McNair, a resident of Bridgeport Apartments whose apartment is close by Nickerson Boulevard, said the night of the shooting she heard about five or six gunshots followed by a pause and then two more shots. When she woke up the following morning, McNair saw police clustered along Nickerson.

Another resident who declined to be named said gunshots are a regular occurrence at the apartment complex.

The police department is working with the school system to help prevent additional violence, according to Talbot.

“One of the things we do very early on in the investigation is to make contact with the school both to prevent retaliatory violence and let them know what happened so they can do the things that are important to do inside the school,” the chief said.

“This is only my third press conference in my tenure here in 16 months — a 14-year-old child dead,” Talbot said. “We will solve these cases. We will solve these cases.”

Gavin Stone, gavin.stone@virginiamedia.com