After 2 Vietnam tours and a life of adventure, a vet gets Eastern York High School diploma

About an hour before he was to receive his high school diploma, Jon Langione stood in the cafeteria of Eastern York High School, attired in a blue gown with a golden sash and a mortarboard.

He had arrived early, at about 5 p.m., for the 6:30 p.m. ceremony. He was anxious, as many in the room were, about walking across the stage to get their diplomas, the air filled with a mix of nervous energy and joy.

Jon Langione receives his diploma from Eastern Superintendent Joseph Mancuso Wednesday during Eastern York High School graduation.
Jon Langione receives his diploma from Eastern Superintendent Joseph Mancuso Wednesday during Eastern York High School graduation.

Langione milled and talked to a few of his fellow graduates. He wasn’t exactly a classmate, and they weren’t exactly his peers. But he had some common ground, chatting with a couple of young men who would soon be leaving home to join the military service. Langione had some experience with that and passed on advice about taking advantage of the educational opportunities afforded to service members. The rest, he said, “they’d find out soon enough.” The rest includes a lot of yelling.

He was easy to spot in the room of 137 soon-to-be high school graduates. He was significantly older than his classmates. He is tall, a shade over six feet, and thin, a beanpole, and he sports a gray goatee on his chiseled chin.

And, looking around, he said, “Everyone here has hair but me.”

An incredible life

Here is a quick summary of Jon Langione’s life.

Jon Langione at Zimmy's swimming pool in Spry in 1960.
Jon Langione at Zimmy's swimming pool in Spry in 1960.

A loner in high school, bullied by his classmates and belittled by his mother and grandfather, he dropped out of high school after his junior year in 1963 and at 17, joined the U.S. Army, where he became a code-breaker and later a helicopter pilot, serving two tours in Vietnam, achieving officer status despite being a high-school dropout, staying in the military for more than two decades before retiring and then moving from job to job, working as a police officer, a probation officer, a corrections officer, an actor, a truck driver, a hairdresser and barber and a pet groomer, converting to Judaism and joining the Israeli Defense Forces during the first Gulf War, earning a number of college degrees, including a doctorate in metaphysical studies, and mixing in a couple of visits to places he describes as “cracker factories,” a term he uses for mental-health facilities...

And there’s more.

Jon Langione on a tricycle in the backyard of a Broad Street Home in Hallam when he was three years old.
Jon Langione on a tricycle in the backyard of a Broad Street Home in Hallam when he was three years old.

Related:Veterans: Nearly half of the men in this York County high school class served during Vietnam

We remember:He served in Vietnam and was killed the next-to-last day of his tour

It all began in Hellam and Wrightsville.

And now he was back in his hometown, preparing to receive, finally, his high school diploma. He should have been, and is considered, a member of the class of 1964. But at 75, he is now a member of the class of 2022. At least that’s what his diploma says.

His classmate from 1963, Tim Blessing, said, “Yeah, it took him a while.”

Langione joked, “I just couldn’t pass chemistry.”

'My career as a punching bag'

Langione has an amazing memory, able to recall details of the events of his eventful life in vivid detail. Consider it a blessing and a curse, as the ability to remember is sometimes as vital to survival as the ability to forget.

He grew up, until age 10, north of Hallam, next door to his maternal grandparents’ farm. His father left home when he was three months old. “I probably spent three hours with him my entire life,” he said. (His birth father did get in touch with him near the end of his life, but by then he was in the last throes of dementia.)

Jon Langione, center, in a photo with classmates in 1962.
Jon Langione, center, in a photo with classmates in 1962.

He recalled being kind of a loner. He remembers sitting on a swing during recess in the fifth grade, watching the other kids play basketball. He signed up for baseball between fifth and sixth grades but never played. “I sucked,” he said. He was tall and skinny, not very athletic, gangly is how you’d describe him. He remembers being the only Italian kid in a school full of Pennsylvania Dutch kids, being called “the town wop,” he said. Bullies picked on him and beat him up. He called that stage of life “my career as a punching bag.”

His joy came from watching “Dick Clark’s American Bandstand.” “I loved watching the kids having such a good time,” he said. “Hey, if I was with a group, I might be invited to sing the number one song. That was how my mind worked.” He decided to become Elvis – it was the late 1950s – and wore his hair in a ducktail. His other joy was staying up late and watching the late-night shows and movies and dreaming of, one day, becoming an actor.

His mother remarried. She was a waitress at the long-gone bar called The Office, which had been at the end of the York County Shopping Center, the home of a swimming school for kids now. She was also an alcoholic, he said. The man she married was also an alcoholic. His family, he said, was dysfunctional. “And I didn’t even know how to spell ‘dysfunction,’” he said.

He remembers one day when he was 10 – it was a Saturday during the school year – and he was playing with his chemistry set in his room. By now, his mom and stepfather moved to a rowhouse on Fourth Street in Wrightsville. His mother came to his room and said she wanted to talk to him. She had a stern look on her face. Langione thought he was in trouble, but he didn’t know why.

His mother said, “You know, if I wouldn’t have had you, my life would be much better.”

The words burned. All he could think was that he was so sorry he had ruined his mother’s life. His mother would beat him “for the smallest infraction,” he wrote in his memoir, “Find Happiness.” He found solace in books, becoming an avid reader, a way to escape and become someone else for a while.

At the age of 10, he said, his life was “on the edge, the edge of being a problem for my parents and for being a lonely kid.”

'I was going to be a soldier'

Jon Langione during basic training in 1963. He joined the military when he was 17 and never received a diploma from Eastern High School.
Jon Langione during basic training in 1963. He joined the military when he was 17 and never received a diploma from Eastern High School.

He did have some positive things in his life. He had a friend who had a paper route and gave him part of it, allowing him to earn $1.25 a week. The friend’s stepdad had a boat, and they’d go fishing on the Susquehanna and camp out by the river. His aunt taught him how to ride horses with an English saddle, no horn to hang onto so he fell off now and then.

In the eighth grade, his life started falling apart. His parents argued constantly. “Every hour they were in the house, especially on weekends,” he recalled, “it was constant bitching, pissing and moaning.” Then, his mother found out her husband was cheating on her and he and his mother moved to York City, taking up residence in an apartment in the same building as his “crazy aunt.” He went to one of the city’s junior high schools, and he kind of fit in. Or at least he wasn’t bullied. At the mention that his last name was Langione, he said, the bullies backed off. His father’s family had some clout in town.

He had pigeons in a coop on the roof of the building and would spend hours with his flock. “I would talk to them. Pet them. And let them fly out. All pigeons home, so they always came back,” he wrote.

His family was still in turmoil. His mother would often take him to bars, among them Degen’s on East Market Street. She was “serial dating a bunch of drunks,” he said, and struck up a steady relationship with a guy who had served in the Air Force and talked about how great that was. Then, he was driving a diaper delivery truck for a living, he recalled. “This guy was a piece of work,” he wrote.

He was a sullen, friendless kid, but he was doing well in school and was active in the theater. “I was on my way to being a movie star,” he wrote. “Had to be a movie star.”

His aunt had a hair salon on the storefront of the apartment building and Langione hung out there. He got the idea that he’d like to do hair – he liked being around the women – and he enrolled in beauty school between ninth and tenth grade. “There were about thirty girls in there,” he wrote. “I was in heaven. It was a hell of lot better than playing basketball.”

Meanwhile, he wrote, his mother was “falling apart” and began arguing with his aunt, who told her to move out of her building. He and his mother moved back to Hallam to live with her parents, who lived across the street from the volunteer fire hall. He remembered the “fire phone” was in their home and he’d answer it and then go to the fire hall and sound the siren to summon the firefighters.

While in his junior year at Eastern York High School, then in Wrightsville, he still made it into the city to work at his aunt’s beauty shop, shampooing hair. But he was embarrassed to be living with his grandparents and he was failing in school.

He was an outsider. He would come back from work at the beauty shop with a perm, or frosted hair, or his hair dyed red and the other kids’ parents told them he must be gay. He was picked on, and one day in March of his junior year, three guys told him they were going to kick his ass. He was six feet tall and weighed 117 pounds, he said. One of the guys – a guy he who would later serve in Vietnam at the same time Langione was there – knocked him unconscious. His grandfather rescued him and later said, “Boy, you just can’t fight.”

He skipped school for a few days. His stepfather had given him the card of a Navy recruiter and he called and asked how old he had to be to join the service. The recruiter told him 17. “I had an out,” he said.

He drove to the recruiter’s office – then in the old post office in York – and waited. The Navy recruiter didn’t show up. The Army recruiter was in the office, though, and bought him a Coke. The recruiter gave him a test and asked him what he wanted to do. His cousin was in the Army Security Agency, and he said he’d like to do that. The recruiter said, “OK, Jon, let’s get you set up.”

He took a battery of tests and passed a physical.

“The last thing I had to do was get my mother to sign for me to join,” he recalled. “I handed her the form and without comment, she handed it back to me, signed in the dotted line.

“I was going to be soldier.”

It was his 17th birthday.

Nothing changed during two tours in 'nam

Jon Langione flying a UH-1 in Vietnam in 1969 during his second tour.
Jon Langione flying a UH-1 in Vietnam in 1969 during his second tour.

After basic training at Fort Dix in New Jersey, he went to Fort Devon in Massachusetts to train as a radio traffic specialist. He was going to be a code breaker. His first post was at a small base in Sinop, Turkey, a small fishing village on an isthmus on the northernmost coast in the Black Sea, monitoring radio transmissions out of the Soviet Union. “It was an adventure,” he said.

He wanted to join the Special Forces. “I thought that green beret looked cool,” he said. On advice from a counselor, he took a short discharge and re-enlisted for the Special Forces, training at Fort Bragg with the 3rd Special Forces Group. “After five months of listening in to governments that changed like socks, I was on my way to being Airborne and a Green Beret,” he said.

After attending jump school at Fort Benning, he waited for an assignment. It was a disappointment. “We had no mission,” he said. “We had nothing to do but wander around in a funny hat.”

It was the spring of 1966 and Vietnam was heating up. After his mother expressed an interest in moving in with him at the base, he volunteered for a tour, assigned to the 103rd Radio Research Group in Saigon. After three days, he was sent to an air base in Bien Hoa, about 20 miles east of Saigon. His job was to find enemy communications locations and destroy them.

As his tour wound down, his commander suggested that he apply to Officers Candidate School. He took a few tests, passed and in the summer of 1967, was off to Fort Benning in Georgia to become an officer. Of the 228 candidates in the company, he was one of just four who had served in Vietnam. Much of the tactical training was based on combat operations in Europe during World War II. He would realize the impact of that later.

Jon Langione on leave in the summer of 1964.
Jon Langione on leave in the summer of 1964.

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Vietnam remembered:York County soldier joined Force Recon, the best of the Marines: He was killed in Vietnam

After OCS, he was ordered to report to Fort Wolters in Texas for flight school. He was a high-school dropout, and a newly minted second lieutenant, and was about to become a helicopter pilot.

On leave before flight school, he became reacquainted with a woman he knew from the hair salon. She was 13 years older than him and had an 8-year-old daughter, but she was beautiful. He asked her out to dinner and before he left for flight school, asked her to marry him. She said yes.

Back at flight school, he was trained in old Korean War-era piston-engine, two-seater helicopters, OH-23s. He loved flight school and after logging about 100 hours of flight time, he was sent to Fort Rucker in Alabama to learn to fly Hueys, the signature chopper of the Vietnam War. “I knew where I would be flying after school,” he said.

He returned to Vietnam in the spring of 1969, assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division in Phouc Vinh, a small village about 70 miles north of Saigon. He was 22 years old.

At his first intelligence briefing, he recalled looking at the map that showed positions of the North Vietnamese Army. It was identical to the maps he saw during his first tour. Nothing had changed, he said. His attitude about the war changed. He realized that we were doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, which never came – Einstein’s definition of insanity. His unit flew missions looking for NVA positions. “Find ‘em, fix ‘em and pile on” is how he described it, seeking targets for B-52 strikes, called Operation Arc Light. “At the time,” he said, “when bad things happened to us, we wanted bad things to happen to them.”

During his tour, other than letters from his wife, he had no contact with his family. His mother was upset by his marriage, he said, and had nothing to do with him. He wondered whether his family would even attend his funeral should he not make it home from Vietnam.

Lieutenant Jon Langione at Ford Mead, Maryland in 1968.
Lieutenant Jon Langione at Ford Mead, Maryland in 1968.

A high school dropout goes to USC

He did make it home in the spring of 1970 and returned to Fort Wolters as an executive officer. The Army sent him to the University of Southern California to study aerospace safety and management. Then, it was off to Arizona and then, in the summer of 1973, to Fort Bragg, assigned to an intelligence company. When he left active duty, he and his wife and daughter moved to Dallas, where he got a sales job that he hated. He had the option to return to active duty and did so, but as a sergeant with the 82nd Airborne.

He served in Europe, first in Italy and then in Germany, assigned the duty of flying the regimental commander of the base in Fulda on the border between East and West Germany. He also flew VIPs on tours of the border, his passengers including congressmen and NATO bigwigs. Upon returning to the states, he served with the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, as a flight instructor, teaching new pilots to fly Cobra attack helicopters.

He left the service after 22 years. It was 1985. He was 39 years old.

Civilian life 'one big bucket list'

Langione didn’t feel quite right. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but as he transitioned to the private sector, he started drinking heavily. He drifted from job to job, trying to find his niche. He worked as an aircraft crash investigator for a law firm in Dallas for a while but was disillusioned with what he considered the ambulance-chasing aspect of the work.

He decided to handle the rest of his life as “one big bucket list.”

Jon Langione shakes the hands of two Army recruiters Staff Sergeants Brady Slack and Tyler Blumenstock before receiving his diploma on June 1. 
(Photo: Paul Kuehnel, York Daily Record)
Jon Langione shakes the hands of two Army recruiters Staff Sergeants Brady Slack and Tyler Blumenstock before receiving his diploma on June 1. (Photo: Paul Kuehnel, York Daily Record)

He enrolled in the Adam Roarke Film Actors Lab in Dallas. Roarke had appeared in more than 30 movies and TV shows, best known for being cast in nine motorcycle moves, including “Hell’s Angels on Wheels,” which starred Jack Nicholson. He was also in “Dirty Mary Crazy Larry” with Peter Fonda. Lou Diamond Philips, who would gain stardom portraying Ritchie Valens in “La Bamba,” was among his students.

Langione liked acting school. He quit the law firm and in November 1986 joined the Dallas Police Department, assigned a beat once walked by J.D. Tippet, the Dallas police officer killed by Lee Harvey Oswald as he fled the School Book Depository Building. He quit after a short time, disgusted by what he perceived to be the corruption in the department. His perception proved true. In 1990, not long after he quit, the chief was indicted on perjury charges in a case involving the shooting of an unarmed Mexican national in Dallas. 

Jon Langione salutes his fellow class of 2022 after receiving his diploma Wednesday.
Jon Langione salutes his fellow class of 2022 after receiving his diploma Wednesday.

Langione had been taking classes in criminal justice at the Dallas Baptist University and took advantage of his free time to complete his degree, graduating with a 3.65 grade-point-average.

During a break, he visited his hometown and learned that an aunt and uncle on his father’s side of the family were in ill health. They lived in New Hampshire and since he had nothing better to do, he volunteered to help out. Once in New Hampshire, he got a job with the state Department of Corrections and eventually worked as a counselor.

He learned that his paternal grandmother was Jewish, which was a coincidence. He had converted to Judaism during his second tour with the 82nd Airborne in 1978. He hadn’t been raised in any particular faith and other than a cousin’s wedding, had never attended church. “I had no idea why I became extremely interested in Judaism,” he said. “In fact, I was obsessed with becoming a Jew.”

As the first Gulf War ramped up – dubbed Desert Storm – he volunteered with the Israeli Defense Forces, thinking he could help train helicopter pilots. He went to Israel and lived on a farm. The war lasted just 100 days and he didn’t have to serve. He returned to New Hampshire with Israeli citizenship, but without a job.

He was unmoored. He worked for the state Department of Transportation, stripping roads. That job didn’t last long. He filled his free time with drinking.

Jon Langione, right, applauds speakers with the class of 2022 before receiving his diploma Wednesday.
Jon Langione, right, applauds speakers with the class of 2022 before receiving his diploma Wednesday.

Tired of New England winters, he said, he and his wife moved to Tampa, and he obtained a stockbroker's license. That job didn’t last long either.

He had stopped drinking, he said, but he felt something was wrong with him. He looked in the Yellow Pages under mental health and found an 800 number for a place in California that he dubbed “The Cracker Factory.” The woman on the phone asked about his insurance and he said he was still covered under Uncle Sam’s policy. The woman told him a ticket would be waiting for him at the airport. He left a note for his wife, telling her he was flying to California to admit himself to a mental hospital. He also asked her to pick up his car at the airport.

That began “12 wasted years of being tormented by my past.”

Jon Langione at Fort Bragg around 1965.
Jon Langione at Fort Bragg around 1965.

A diagnosis and learning he wasn't 'a basket case'

He just wanted someone to tell him what was wrong with him. He got his answer. A psychiatrist diagnosed him as bipolar, that his stint in the military had been one long manic episode, followed by depression upon leaving the service. He entered Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. That helped. He heard stories from others that reflected his own, he said. He didn’t feel that he was “a basket case,” he said.

He returned to Tampa after his stint at “The Cracker Factory” and started looking for a job. He landed an interview for a position as a probation officer in Key West. Strangely, he said, he remained married, and his wife stayed in Tampa. That job didn’t last long, either.

While in Key West, he got a part-time job in a dive shop and began training as a SCUBA instructor. The owner of the shop had a daughter who was interested in theater, and he helped her prepare for auditions, which led to him getting a part in a play, “1959 Pink Thunderbird.” He was cast as an alcoholic Vietnam vet. “Boy, that was a stretch,” he said.

He was enamored with the theater and thought about moving to New York to be an actor – not without a detour. He went off his medication and landed in another “Cracker Factory.” Once he got his meds straightened out, he left Florida for New York, leaving his wife behind.

Jon Langione stands with the Class of 2022 during the National Anthem before receiving his diploma Wednesday.
Jon Langione stands with the Class of 2022 during the National Anthem before receiving his diploma Wednesday.

A career in the movies

He rented an apartment about the size of a racquetball court in Brooklyn for $500 a month and began going on auditions, averaging 36 a month. His break, so to speak, was when he was cast to play the coach of a mediocre soccer team in a film titled “Snapshots from a .500 Season," an independent film with a budget of less than $65,000. (Among the actors he worked with was a young Eli Roth, who would go on to direct the torture-porn flick “Hostel” and act in Quentin Tarantino’s World War II fantasy “Inglourious Basterds.”) He also had roles in seven other movies – including one, “Back Road Diner,” in which he played a mean, out-of-control cop – and had a small part on the TV soap opera “Loving.” (He played a guard who was on duty when Hillary Clinton was admitted to the hospital. “The plot was silly,” he said. “But, hey, it was a soap.”) He was done with acting in the summer of 1995 and returned to his wife in Tampa. Once again, he said, he was off his meds.

He began looking for work and spotted an ad for a truck driving school just outside of Tampa. Soon, he was an over-the-road trucker, hauling loads from Florida to the northeast. He stayed on the road for months at a time. He delivered loads to every state in the lower 48, except Montana and both Dakotas.

After about a year, the company offered him a job as an administrative instructor at its headquarters in Chesterfield, Indiana. After a year, he said, it appeared the company wasn’t doing well, and he decided to return to beauty school.

At about that time, he and his wife divorced. “At this point,” he wrote, “it is worth pointing out that this all seems very bizarre with my tramping around on my own. It was bizarre, and totally inappropriate. I left (her) behind, had little communication with her. I lived my life. She lived her life.”

Jon Langione looks at his diploma at Eastern York High School graduation with the class of 2022 in the background.
Jon Langione looks at his diploma at Eastern York High School graduation with the class of 2022 in the background.

Lighting out for Arizona

About six months after his divorce, he met a woman who had a pet grooming shop in Anderson, Indiana, and went to work for her. “Cutting hair was cutting hair,” he said. They married in February 1999.

His depression, though, sunk in again and he wound up in the hospital, prescribed three different anti-depressants. It didn’t end well. He packed up a U-Haul and took off for Tucson, Arizona, where his stepdaughter lived in the city’s suburbs.

He drove truck for a while and when Arizona accepted his Indiana cosmetology license, he got a job in a salon across the street from his stepdaughter’s home. After a year, he moved on to a barber shop in downtown Tucson. Not long after that, he applied to the Arizona Department of Corrections and was assigned to the graveyard shift at a facility that housed undocumented immigrants.

In early 2006, he married again, wife number three, a woman of Japanese descent. Eight days after they were wed, he said, she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. He cared for her until she died on June 16, 2007.

He finds his soulmate and happiness

In December, he signed up to an online dating service and met his fourth wife, Cathey. They were both widowed and they both had something else in common. During their first phone conversation, Langione told her, “I want you to know I’m bipolar.” She replied, “I’m bipolar too.”

He and Cathey have been married 15 years, settling in a senior community outside of Tucson. Langione finally retired completely and began writing books – he has 29 books on Amazon, including a series of vampire novels, most of which are set in his hometown. He went to online colleges and earned eight college degrees, including a doctorate in metaphysical studies.

He said he finally found happiness.

Except for one thing.

Cheryl Hess, a learning support aide for Eastern, left, hugs Jon Langione after he received his diploma Wednesday at Eastern York High School.
Cheryl Hess, a learning support aide for Eastern, left, hugs Jon Langione after he received his diploma Wednesday at Eastern York High School.

He finally graduates high school

In November 2021, I wrote a story about Eastern York High School’s class of 1964. Nearly half of the young men in the class went on to serve in the military; many went to Vietnam. The story focused on two classmates and mentioned that Langione had dropped out before his senior year to join the Army and went on to serve two tours in Vietnam.

The school administration saw that and, through a law called Operation Recognition, which allowed school districts to award diplomas to veterans of World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam who dropped out to join the military, reached out to Langione to attend graduation this year.

Langione agreed.

The day before his graduation, he met a handful of his former classmates for lunch. Earlier that morning, he went to the high school to get his cap and gown and then visited his mother’s grave for the first time in his life. He forgave her.

At lunch, he was disappointed that the guy who had beat him up, which led to his decision to join the Army, hadn’t shown. He wanted to thank him.

He hadn’t seen many of his classmates since leaving for the Army. “I just wanted to get away from here,” he told them. “I just wanted to do stuff.”

He told his classmates that after he retired from the Army, he treated his life like a bucket list. On Sept. 30, 2018, he checked off the next to last item on that list – seeing Boy George in concert. “Boy George is the man, give or take a little bit,” he said. The only thing left, he said, was having lunch with MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow.

He reviewed his life with his classmates and said much of it was a disaster, but that he wouldn’t trade it for anything.

On June 1, he walked into the gymnasium at Eastern York High School with the class of 2022. “I never graduated like this before,” he said. When he earned his first college degree in criminal justice, he was still working as a cop and had to miss graduation. He picked it up later.

The ceremony began with the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. There was a guest speaker and students spoke, quoting Thoreau and Taylor Swift. The class president spoke about one of her favorite books, Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild,” a non-fiction account of the life of Chris McCandless, a young man who gave up all his material possessions to explore the human experience.

About halfway through the ceremony, before the members of the class of 2022 were to receive their diplomas, Supt. Joseph Mancuso introduced Langione and called him to the stage. He received his diploma and hugged Mancuso.

He left the stage and returned to his seat. The woman seated next to him, Cheryl Hess, a learning support aide, stood and hugged him. As they sat, she patted his back. Langione teared up. He hadn’t realized that finally receiving his high school diploma would be so emotional.

“It was more than I realized,” he said. “I didn’t think it would be like that. I really didn’t.”

Reporter Mike Argento has been a York Daily Record staffer since 1982. Reach him at

This article originally appeared on York Daily Record: At 75, Vietnam veteran finally gets Eastern York High School diploma