20-40-100 Years Ago -- Jan. 13

Jan. 13—100 Years Ago

Jan. 13, 1923

Three stills, with a total capacity of 90 gallons, 100 gallons of new liquor and a quantity of mash were found by deputy sheriffs of Washington county in houses near Rohrersville Friday afternoon. I.T. Jones. Guy Ebersole, Samuel Ebersole, Charles Haines and Ernest Vogel were landed in jail charged with operating the stills.

Once more Frederick county has been chosen as a field of activities for a nondescript but ferocious wild animal. A short time ago, a panther was reported to have invaded peaceful Baker's Valley, and its alleged presence caused the inhabitants no small amount of uneasiness. Now Lewisdale is in a turmoil of excitement, reports from that section state, over the recent appearance of some sort of animal described as a catamount. While no casualties have resulted, several people have been nearly scared to death. Several hunters and their dogs have encountered the "catamount."

One of the best poultry farms in Frederick county is the Monocacy Poultry Farm at Hansonville on the Emmitsburg state road about five and one fourths mile from Frederick, three miles from Harmony Grove and the same distance from Lewistown. It belongs to P.A. Morrison, who gave it its present name because the Monocacy river flows along the rear of the farm. Mr. Morrison has specialized in White Leghorns and Rhode Islands Reds, single comb in both varieties.

40 Years Ago

Jan. 13, 1983

An almost carnival-like atmosphere prevailed. Families of newly elected members jammed the marble hallways and chambers of the Maryland Statehouse as the 1983 session of the General Assembly kicked off in Annapolis Wednesday. Little business was conducted other than the formal swearing in of the legislature, including 50 new members of the House of Delegates and 16 new faces in the Senate, plus the officers and leadership of both chambers.

The Frederick County school system has an explicit policy for book selection, said Evelyn Holman, executive director of curriculum. The current policy has been in effect since 1979, when the BoE adopted a 24-page manual, "Guidelines for the Review and Evaluation of Instructional Materials."

(Editor's Note: The News-Post does not have access to archives from 50 years ago for August 1972 through March 1973. The "50 Years Ago" summary will return April 1, 2023.)

20 Years Ago

Jan. 13, 2003

The local movement for peace is gathering momentum as the United States heads closer to war with Iraq. Area peace activists are directing their efforts to rallies and public awareness, and they want others to know that anti-war doesn't mean unpatriotic.

Maurice Gibb, who with his brothers built the Bee Gees into a disco sensation that ruled the charts in the late '70s with hits like "Stayin' Alive" and "More Than a Woman," died Sunday at the age of 53. The bass and keyboard player had been admitted to Mount Sinai Medical Center four days earlier to have emergency surgery for an intestinal blockage. He suffered cardiac arrest before the operation.